Chapter 1

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As I was making my way down the dark scary hallways I could feel the goosebumps starting to rise, my palms sweating and my chest moving every time I inhale and exhale.

As soon as the hallway was at an end I wanted to turn around and walk away from this crazy idea. As you guys are wondering what am I doing in a dark hallway all alone I'll explain, I was here because I was offered a job to be the psychologist of one of the most scarriest person alive. 

'Sébastien knight'.

Even thinking about his name sends a cold breeze down my spine. He was the monster you told your kids about before they go to sleep. As I was standing in front of the door thinking if I'm doing the right thing or just putting myself in harms way, but then thinking back to the reason I took this job was because my granny was very ill, she has stage 3 cancer and we really need the money for the medical care and medicines.

I've only ever had my granny because both my parents died in an accident 7 years ago. I'm now 20 years old with a degree in criminal psychology. Ever since I was young I was intrigued by how the human mind works, but later on in the years I started to develop a little fancy for how the minds of criminals work, how they could kill in an instant without feeling bad or guilty. Tear apart families and not looking back to see who got hurt or not.

Once I found a little bit of confidence I lifted up my sweaty hand and swiped the key card the guard outside has given me and opened the door. What was inside was something I was not expecting to see, there in the corner on top of the ceiling was a pull up bar and a man doing pull ups.

I could not see how he looked as to he had his back facing me, but from the back view you could clearly see how strong he was, as his back muscles were moving with every pull up he did. Once he heard the door close he stopped immediately and turned around. There he stood in front of me looking like a Greek God that was sent down from heaven its self, but the look in his eyes said another story, he was a tall man with a well built figure, green eyes like the forest with specks of gold twirling inside, round pouty perfect pink lips that you just want to devour, a strong chiseled jaw with a 5 o'clock shadow.

As he saw me the look in his eyes turned from guarded to a mischievous one. The way he scanned me from top to bottom was intimidating, it was not like I was ugly, in fact most people actually commented on how I look saying 'oh my God you are so beautiful', 'I wanna look just like her' and what not. I was a little bit on the medium size in my height, my body looking like a models out of vogue, nice, slender and curvy in the right places.

My eyes were big and the color of gray that you don't see normally, my eyelashes were long and thick, my lips were nice and round, a baby color pink to it. I was wearing a black dress and pumps. The dress was a little loose as to not show my complete figure.

The way his eyes stared at me was frustrating and made me feel intimidated. But the moment he spoke I was in a trance " Well hello cupcake" his voice sounding so deep and rough at the edge, making me feel even more intimidated

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