Chapter 3

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I said "Sébastien knight" while nodding my head in acknowledgement. The corner of his lips tillted upwards into a small smirk looking down at me. Making me feel even smaller if that is even possible. "Well nice to meet you Mr. Knight I'm Rose Mikaelson, and I will be your new psychologists, shall we take a seat" I said motioning to the table and chair in the middle of the room.

While nodding his head, the smirk never leaving his face, he walked over towards the chair and pulls it out motioning for me to come sit, to say I was shocked would be an understatement.

I cautiously walk past him to go and sit, once I was seated he pushed the chair in, while leaning down towards me, his breathe fanning my ear sending shivers down my body. He got up and walked over to his seat and sat down, all the while locking eyes with mine.

"So Mr. Knight I'm sure you already know what's about to happen so why don't we get started". "Call me Sébastien, after all we will be seeing each other a lot more often, don't you think". He said while staring me down with those dark green eyes. I became a flustered mess while on the other hand his smirk widening even more. "So Mr. Knig-", "Sébastien" he all but growled out, looking at me intensely.

"No Mr. Knight this is my job and you are my patient and I'd like to keep things strictly professional, so what is your full name and where do you come from". Sébastien looked pissed of at first but then it turned to his usual smirk. "No Mrs.Rose I will not be answering unless we make this fair" he said while smirking, "what do you mean" I said while scrunching up my eyebrows in annoyance at not knowing what he means.

"Well since you want to know about me I want it back in return. So I'll answer what ever questions you have if you answer my ones for you" I thought about it for awhile contemplating if I should or shouldn't, but on the other hand he was willingly opening up to me saying he'd answer my questions, other psychologists couldn't even be able to make him utter a single word, and here I'm sitting with him talking to me like we having a normal conversation.

"Ok, now answer my questions first", "wise choice my angel, I am Sébastien Alaric Knight and I come from Italy", "how old are yo-", "my turn my sweetheart, how old are you and do you have a boyfriend", he all but spat the word boyfriend out like it was poisonous "I'm 20 years old and no Mr. Knight I do not have a boyfriend as to my work schedule won't allow me too".

He looked relieved for a second but then it turned stone cold. "What do you mean 'work schedule won't allow you too' if I may ask", "well since I'm so busy I have no time to even go out with friends where will I have time to have a boyfriend", "don't worry my love you soon will"

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