Chapter 5

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When I awoke all I saw was a small room, white, plain and empty except for the chair sitting across from me. I immediately stared to panic thinking 'where am I' or 'how I got here', while I was thinking the door started to open indicating someone was walking in.

There in the door way, leaning on the door frame stood Sébastien knight in all his holey glory looking like a god, if I probably weren't scared I would have jumped him, but thinking of all the things he has done made me more scared of him. And to think we were progressing.

He finally started to walk towards me saying "Good morning my heart", I just sat there staring at him like he was crazy, well technically speaking he is crazy. "why am I here, what do you want from me I've got nothing to offer you", "oh no my angel you are enough for me, because after all you are what I wanted", WHAT he wanted me, why I'm useless.

"Please let me go I won't tell anyone of what happened", I said while pleading "ugh what don't you get, you are never leaving me, you are mine, your soul, heart and body is all mine and I will kill whatever fucker who trys to touch or take you away from me, 'Rose Mikaelson' you are mine, you belong to me and only me, do you get that", by now I was crying as to when he started talking he gripped my jaw so tight it started to hurt.

When he let go of my jaw he turned to walk away leaving me there, a crying mess just wanting to go home.

*2 days later*

It's been 2 days that I've been here, 2 days that I've never seen Sébastien, that fucker goes an kidnapps me but then leaves me here all alone, 3 times a day a olderly lady would walk in and bring me food, she never looked at me, always keeping her head down and staying at a distance, never even uttered a single word to me, the lack of communication was driving me insane, I needed, wanted to talk to someone, for the past 2 days it has reminded me of my early childhood


"ooh look at her, the lonely freak", "hahaha, not even her parents wanted her so they went an killed themselves", more laughter erupted from the whole group of girls. As I just sat there listening to what they all had to say was breaking my heart, I felt angry, sadness and most importantly emtyness.

*flashback over*

I knew my parents wouldn't leave me on purpose or that's what everybody had said to me. I was at a stage that I needed my parents the most and they just left me here all alone to fend for myself. I knew I had my granny but it's not the same, she's old and can't really do fun things with me, I never had any siblings so I was the only child, no one to play with, talk to or even fight with.

I was always a shy girl, so meaning I never had any friends either to do all those things you do with girls your age, and mostly because I was known as the freak of the school. I was never a rich kid that always had money, my family had enough to move forward with our lives comfortably but I went to a private school where children from wealth goes, I got in there because of my good grades so I was on a scholarship.

My parents didn't have to pay, so when I went there the first week already people stared saying harsh stuff to me, saying I was a 'loner', 'freak' or saying I was 'poor' it never actually bothered me because I didn't care about anything they would do or say.

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