Chapter 4

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As the days went by, it was already a week that I've been here, and to say it wasn't that bad. As I'm sitting in the room with Sébastien, he seems a bit off, edgey at most. "Mr. Kni-", as I was about to speak loud sirens went off indicating an emergency.

When I turned around I found Sébastien holding a gun to my head I *gasped* and was about to ask him what's going on when the door unlocked from outside, upon opening the door stood a tall, built guy in all black clothing, his face as hard as stone making him look even more intimidating.

I then looked back to see Sébastien holding a needle in his hand walking closer towards me, I quickly ran to the other side but his strong arm easily caught me by my waist and pulled me in his hard chest. I screamed and shouted at him to 'let me go' and stop what ever he was about to do.

I immediately stilled when I felt a prick in my neck knowing he put the needle in me, I started to fade in and out of time with what he injected inside of me "why are you doing this to me", "because I can my love", that just made me cry harder, finally feeling tired I started closing my eyes, only remembering Sébastien saying "sleep now my love, you'll need it" and then I was completely out of it

(Sébastien knight)

I stood there with my angel in my arms looking at her sleeping when 'conner' the guy who opened the door walked in asking if I'm ready "yes, tell the gang the King is coming home and that his bringing their Queen with him" I said while looking down at the beauty whose sleeping peacefuly in my arms.

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