Chapter 19

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Miles' POV

I can't decide whether I should tell him or not. What if he doesn't love me back? What if he was just pretending to like me to be nice? What if he turns his back on me after I confess? I'll be out on the street with no where to go.

I decide I'm going to tell him. I go against everything my mind is telling me and decide to tell him.

The pack gathering is over, and I'm sitting on the bed after having showered, waiting on Calvin to get out of the bathroom. I hear the shower turn off and anticipate his arrival.

He walks in, his hair wet and messily falling over to one side. He is only wearing his boxers, not usually sleeping dressed. I stare at his chiseled chest and defined arms. My eyes go to his lower region and I blush, so embarrassed that I even looked there!

Calvin seeing my gaze, smirks at me and walks closer. Bending down to my level, he pecks me on the lips and goes to lay down on his side of the bed. I stop him by putting my hand on his shoulder. I'm sitting in his spot, blocking him from laying down.

He sits down beside me, looking at me questioningly. I take a deep breath and just blurt out what has been on my mind for the last few hours, "Calvin, I love you."

He looks up to me in shock, his eyes flooding with tears. He pulls me into his chest, hugging me tight. He sniffles into my shoulder and I awkwardly pat him on the back. Why is he crying?

When he pulls away, it's my turn to look at him questioningly. He says, emotion clear in his voice, "I love you too. I waited for you to say it, not wanting to scare you away. I was so scared I was going to lose you, after everything we've been through."

I now understand why he is crying. "You could never lose me. I will stand by your side, forever. You fully have my heart and I'm certainly not getting it back."

He chuckles at the reference to our earlier conversation, the one where we said that we had each other's hearts.

He leans in and kisses me deeply, having to lean down slightly. His taller frame towering over me, making me feel overpowered by him. I don't mind that one bit.

His tongue slips into my mouth, and our tongues battle for dominance. I soon give in, knowing he was going to win. I feel so close to him right now, like our souls are connecting.

He pulls away and kisses down my neck, reaching my favorite spot. I shiver with pleasure, enjoying the feeling of his mouth on my neck. His breath fans my neck, causing me to let out a light moan.

"Mark me, please."

He quickly stops kissing my neck and looks up at me. I can see in his eyes that he wants to mark me, love and lust shining in them. I nod, showing that I want him to keep going.

Having all the reassurance he needs, he kisses me with passion. I feel sparks ignite when his lips touch mine. He soon breaks away, and goes back down to my neck. He finds the spot that makes me let out a loud moan, attacking it roughly. Nipping at the spot, I growl in anticipation, wanting him to just mark me already.

He smiles against my neck, enjoying my annoyance. I feel his canines elongate, and his teeth graze against my neck. I gasp, waiting for the bite.

I got what I was waiting for, he bites down on my neck softly yet deeply. I let out a silent scream, that soon turns into a moan of pleasure. All the pain of the bite fades away to pleasure as soon as it happens.

Calvin pulls away, lapping at the spot with his tongue, cleaning off the blood and healing me. I can feel lust and love that aren't my own. Where is that coming from?

Seeing my confusion, he says, "You can feel my emotions and read my thoughts, now that you are marked. I'll teach you how to block your thoughts tomorrow, but the mark has drained your energy so you need to sleep."

Noticing how tired I suddenly felt, I agree and climb into bed. When my head hits the pillow, I feel a sudden burning pain erupt in my limbs. I cry out, Calvin rushing to my side to see what's wrong.

I hear a bone snap. I feel the pain that comes along with a broken bone, and soon many other bones start snapping.

All I hear through the intense pain I am feeling is, "Oh my Goddess... You're shifting."

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