Chapter 24

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Miles' POV


The boy who is the look alike of my best friend smiles softly at me. The same warm, comforting smile he would give me after getting bullied.

"Long time no see, my little rascal," he says, slightly smirking at the old nickname he used for me when we were younger. He was always so wise and mature for his age.

"Is it really you? How?" The older Ryan walked up to me and enveloped me into a comforting hug. It didn't feel the same as when Calvin would hug me but I felt protected.

"Selene will explain everything, I'm just so glad I could see you again. I've been watching over you, making sure you stay out of trouble," he says, making me happy that he has been watching over me.

The woman whose name I've learned is 'Selene' starts explaining, "I'm Selene, also known as the Moon Goddess. The mother of all werewolves, the creator of soulmates. Ryan was born to be your protector, and he died protecting you. I haven't found anyone in your life suited well enough to be honored with the position so I've made a decision."

Ryan was my protector? That's why he died? Protecting me?

"I've decided to bestow the power of protector onto you, my child. You will protect the Mystic Shadow Pack, as their Luna, but also as their guardian. You will be blessed with powers that you get to explore," she finishes, leaving me wanting to know more.

I'm just plain Miles, how can I be a protector and guardian to a whole pack?

Ryan speaks up, "I can see the doubt in your eyes, Miles. I once had this job, and now it's going to be passed to you. I believe that you can do this. Make me proud."

"All I've been trying to do my whole life is make you proud, trying to stand up for myself and take care of others. I want to be a doctor so I can save people, like I wish I could've saved you. I hope I have made you proud and continue to do so," I say, tears in my eyes.

"You have, rascal, you have. I know you can do this," he says while bringing me into another hug. He rubs my pack soothingly.

This reminds me of him comforting me after every beating. He would always somehow find me and know when I was in pain. He was my protector and now it's my turn to protect.

"He is right, my child. I specifically picked you for this because you were the only one worthy. I know you can do this, you have to protect not just the pack but also yourself," Selene warns, "Dangerous things are coming, and they are coming after you. People will get hurt, but you have to get through it. I see promising things for you, you just have to get past these hardships."

That scares me. What could be so bad that the Moon Goddess has to warn me about it? What does this mean for Calvin and I?

I start panicking, not being able to imagine my mate getting hurt. "Will Calvin be okay? He has to be, I wouldn't be able to handle it if he wasn't."

"I can't say anything about your future, but you must know that you have to support him. He has been fragile ever since his parents and sister joined me, and he hasn't been truly okay in a long time. Just be there for him," Selene says, not doing much to comfort me.

Although that didn't comfort me much, it reminds me to think about his feelings more.

Ryan and Selene start fading away, and I'm starting to become aware of my surroundings.

"Ryan, I don't know if I can do this. Please don't leave me," I start crying, tears streaming down my face and dropping of my chin.

"I'll be watching over you, rascal," he says with a sad smile.

"Have faith, my child. Everything will work itself out in the end," Selene says with a calming smile.

I watch as they fade away, leaving me without my first friend and protector.

Calvin's POV

It's been a difficult week. My life without Miles has been the worst. I haven't left his side except to use the bathroom. Jason forced me to shower yesterday, deciding that it had been too long.

I just stare and Miles' face, looking at his peaceful expression. Soon his face scrunches up, and tears start flowing out of his eyes.

"Miles, rabbit, please wake up. You're okay," I urge, wanting to see his beautiful hazel eyes and to comfort him.

Miles starts whimpering, "Please don't leave me... Please."

"Rabbit, you're okay, please wake up," I say with my hand on his face, wiping his tears.

My little rabbit's eyes open and he just stares at the ceiling, seeming to just be thinking about something.

His eyes slide over to me, and a huge smile breaks out onto his face. He leaps into my arms, sitting up rapidly.

I smile and tears soon fill my eyes, just so happy my mate is back.

He pulls away reluctantly, wanting to stay in my arms. "The Moon Goddess spoke to me, she gave me a gift and a warning."

I look at him, shock clearly shown on my face.

"Please explain," I plead, groaning at his vagueness.

"I have been gifted with the power of a protector," he decides to start with the 'gift.'

I look at him questioningly, confused on what he means. Seeing my confusions, he explains.

"Remember that boy in the picture from my house? His name was Ryan and he died protecting me. He was my protector. Now I'm the protector of the pack. The gift comes with powers but I don't know what they are yet. I have to find them out myself," he explains.

A frown comes upon my face, worried for him. Now that he has to protect the pack, I won't be able to protect him from danger.

"What's wrong, wolfie?" He asks, a slight smirk on his face.

"Wolfie?" It's my turn to smirk, slightly laughing at the nickname.

"Yes. Wolfie. You are a wolf. Boom," he states, sure of his nickname. "Anyways, what's wrong?"

"I'm worried for you. I don't want you to be in danger. It's my job to protect you," I say sadly, wanting to take care of my mate in every way.

"I'll be okay. Like I said, this comes with powers, meaning I can protect myself just fine. And now it's my turn to protect you," he states, pulling me into a hug, feeling his protectiveness in my bones.

"Now what about the warning?"

He sighs, not wanting to talk about it. "Dangerous things are coming, and they are coming after me."

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