Chapter 5

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                                        ^.^.^. Chapter 5. ^.^.^.

        “You don't walk into love. You fall in. That's why it's so hard to get out.”- Wiz Khalifa.

        I was dying slowly, like a knife kept piercing my heart every time I went on iPage and Nick wasn’t on. That night he wasn’t on I didn’t worry about it too much; maybe he just got stuck in homework, or called it an early bed time. What got me more worried was when he wasn’t on again that next day after school, or the next, or the next; a total of 6 days! It was killing me to know that I didn’t know he was alright, or if something was wrong.

        I wish I had asked him for a phone number or an email address so I could contact him a different way. I felt so alone without him, like I didn’t have anyone to talk to. Sure, I had Nat to talk to all the time, but I wasn’t as open to Nat as I was to Nick, weird because Nat’s a girl and I’ve known her longer, but Nick seemed to listen and if needed make it all better and give the right advice. 

        Nat knew something was off with me. I would talk less and describe things in “less detail.” This to me didn’t make any sense or true, that’s when the real questions came out.

        “Are you in love?”

        “In love?”

        “Yes. In love, having a crush on someone, because you seem like a love struck lost puppy to me.” Natalie mentioned as we walked around the empty halls after school, waiting for soccer practice to start.

        “I’m not in love with someone, Nat.” I chuckled, shaking my head.

        “Okay, not in love, but you have a crush. You didn’t object to having a crush.” she smirked, proving me wrong.

        “I don’t have a crush either, Nat.” I lied through my teeth.

        “Then why is my best friend so upset?”

        “Who says I’m upset?” I countered, tilting my head to her.

        “I know you’re upset. You’re quiet; you’re always looking at your phone or on the laptop looking at something. What is it?!”

        “Nothing Nat, really. Just a little exhausted from school is all.” I sighed lying. Yes, it does suck lying to your best friend in the face. Worse than the time I told my mom it wasn’t me who accidently bumped her wedding ring down the kitchen sink.

        “You got a long time till summer, girly. Months.” She grimaced

        “Yeah, I know long months and months of torture.” We laughed walking down to soccer practice, ready for sweat, muddy knees, and two and a half hours of drills.

        When I arrived home, I took a long shower, cleaning my sweaty dirty skin. I slid and slipped on that field so many times having patches of dirt and grass on my uniform and knee caps. After that was all scrubbed off my body an urge brought me to my laptop, my bum sitting on my computer chair, my right foot bobbing up and down in anticipation for the laptop to load faster. My fingers automatically typed on the keyboard to iPage. My eyes scanned the IM box for his name. I frowned, of course he wasn’t on, why did I get my hopes up again?

        “ALLY!” Ryan called from down stairs.

        “What?!” I shouted out my door. What could he possibly need?

        “I’m hungry! Where’s mom?”

        Where is mom? Usually my mom is home all day. She only works at her favorite store at the mall. She’s usually home by three.

        “Um, I don’t know. Luke, call mom.” I ordered to him hopefully.

        I sighed slouching down in my chair staring at the screen. Did he leave me? Moping, I scrolled around iPage reading all my notifications and even Facebook for a brief second. I was just about to log off and watch some TV when I got a PM notification.

        Clicking on the blue icon I waited for it to load. I, Ally Sofia Jenson, literally screamed when I saw his name come on.

        “What the hell is wrong with you?!” Luke screamed up the stairs.

        “I’M WICKED HAPPY!” I shouted back with a hug smile on my face.

        “Damn, I thought someone broke in to kidnapped you.” Luke said sounding sarcastically sad about it.

        I rolled my eyes at him reading the message that was sent 32 seconds ago:

        “Hey Trint! Sorry I haven’t been on for a while :( Midterms were this week and I need to really study for those and all. Plus I was busy with some other stuff. Hope you missed me ;) I should be back on by the weekend :) Love and miss you-NickyBoy ;)”

        Right after I finished reading it I sent him back a message immediately hoping I could still catch him. I was so glad he messaged me! I was so happy that I could still talk to him! I was just so happy! With a quick reply I typed back:

        “NICKYBOY!!!!! :D My mother taught me not to lie so……. JUST KIDDING! I MISSED YOU TOO!!!!! :D SO much. :) I understand, education before iPage and friends ;) I hope you do really well on your midterms! Good luck! I’ll talk to you on the weekend (can’t wait now two days seems too long!) ;) Love and miss you too!-XOTrint

        I stayed online for ten minutes hoping that he’d reply back. But I didn’t care if he did or didn’t. I was just happy enough with that one message.

        Going to bed that night I couldn’t stop thinking of him. He was swimming through my mind all night long-and the first thing I thought about in the morning- from our conversations, to his jokes, his profile pictures, to the stories he’s told me. And especially when he told me he loved and missed me.

        November 8th. That was the day Nick told me he “love and miss you” the first time. It was a special day for me, and I still remember that date. But it was going to be hell waiting two more days for the weekend to start!


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