Chapter 6

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                                        ^.^.^.Chapter 6 ^.^.^.

                “If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything”- Mark Twain


        Me: YOU ABANDONED ME! :(

        Nick: I SENT YOU A MESSAGE!

        Me: TWO WEEKS LATER!

        Nick: It’s the thought that counts :P

        Me: Don’t :P me you don’t deserve to :P me after TWO WEEKS OF ISOLATION!

        Nick:……………… how about now :P

        Me: Nope -_-

        Nick: I’m sorry Trint :) Forgive me pleeeeease! <3

        I smirked at my computer screen seeing his apology. I spent all of Saturday in my bed or on the couch with my laptop on my lap waiting for him. But honestly it wasn’t long (reality wise, for me it was forever!) I woke up at eight and he was on by nine thirty. It felt so good to talk to him again.

        Me: Well…… when you put it that way

        Nick: Yes…. :)

        Me: You’re obviously forgiven <3 :)

        Nick: YES! I mean…yeah…ok ;)

        Me: Haha I’m so glad you’re back on! I’ve really missed you, I haven’t laughed properly for a good two weeks :P

        Nick: OH NO! That’s a crime! I’ve got to make you laugh now :)

        Me: Nicholas, your mission should you choose to accept it….

        Nick: Mission accepted! All right but this time don’t blame the hiccups on me or bumping your head when you fall off the chair ;)

        Me: DEAL! Now make me laugh ;)

        We spent four hours straight laughing, joking, and telling stories. It was true, I hadn’t had a good laugh since I stopped talking to Nick, and honestly it was great to be laughing like this again.

        Four hours together seemed like one. I didn’t realize that it was already passed two and I was hungry! It wasn’t until Nick said he’d be back soon because he was going to have a late lunch.

        I put the laptop to the side running quickly to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. I ran around my mother as she was cleaning the kitchen counter tops.

        “Are you living on that laptop now?” My mother chuckled washing a cup in the sink.

        “I’m just talking to some friends, ma.” I replied tapping my foot impatiently waiting by the toaster for my bread.

        “Mhm. You can’t text them or take a break?” She questioned pouring some coffee into the cup she just cleaned.

        I shrugged my shoulders taking the hot golden bread out of the toaster with my hands and threw it on the plate like a hot potato, “It’s just easier to type on a keyboard than on a small touchscreen.”

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