10. Exposed.

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"Oh, I'm so glad they finally told you," Karen breathed relieved. "Conner was afraid you'd freak out if we'd waited any longer."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no everything's okay. I know how long Mom's been wanting this. It's great for them to finaly live up to their dream."

She gave him a big hug. "Good-night."

He walked downstairs where Conner was waiting for him with two glasses and a bottle of whiskey. He recognized the label; Duncan's brand. A smile was could not be suppressed. "You're willing to risk eternal damnation?"

"Come on. We have something to celebrate," said Conner, who filled the glasses.

"Oh and what would that be?", he asked with a laugh.

"Our new job, of course."

"Of course," he agreed accepting the whisky.


Both glasses were emptied.

"Have you ever taught before?", asked Jason who held up his glass so Conner could refill his glass.

"Not in this form, but I'll be fine," he nodded. "I've been through enough instructors to make a decent lesson plan."

"Have you had time to think about my favor?"

His scrutinizing tone brought a smile to Conner's face.

"Yes, as it happens to be. Duncan told me he's going to Chicago with Karen and CJ next week."

"To visit your parents?"

"Yes. That seemed to me the perfect opportunity to give a 'housewarming party'."

"Hm," Jason muttered. "That's not a bad plan. Where in lies the pain and unusual punishment?" He sounded dry, but his heart was beating loudly. What horror did Conner have in store for him? The broad grin on his handsome face promised little good.

"I want you to take care of everything. Drinks, food, music, ministry. The works!"

"Pff," Jason boasted. "So far, you haven't said anything shocking. I was already planning on doing that."

"But," Conner's finger rose. "You can only invite women for my boys. I want the waiting staff to be of your kind so they don't pick up the girls."

Incredulously, Jason shook his head. "Fine, if that's what you want, but I warn you in advance. I am not responsible for what might happen."

"What do you mean by that?", Conner frowned.

"First of all, I've explained to you that women love gays. So if there's a lot of flirting, it's not my fault. Secondly...", he hesitated. "I don't want you to flip when there might be a spark."

Conner stared at him. "That's not going to happen," he shook resolutely.

Jason emptied his glass. "Whatever. Just keep in mind that I warned you." He got up. "How many girls do I have to arrange?" Abruptly, he stopped talking and turned to Conner with his hand pressed to his mouth. "I sound just like a pimp!" he shouted indignantly at Conner who just grinned.

"As long as you deliver excellent quality, you won't hear me complaining."

"Quality hm," Jason said looking around the room. "How about taking this to the next level? Then we both get what we want."

"What do you want?", Conner asked tilting his head.

"No mess in my house," was the quick answer.

"I see what you mean," Conner nodded. "What's your proposal?"

Jason looked at his watch. "I know a club that meets all your requirements. If you want to come, we can meet the owner and get a few things done tonight." He grabbed his phone and ordered a taxi.

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