21. How Conner got hurt.

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Coming out of the toilets, Jason saw Bryce scribble off the floor. Conner was held in a headlock by two gorillas. Before he could say or do anything, Drake appeared, pushing him to a pool room in the back. He allowed it.

"Did I just miss Bryce being floored by Conner?" he asked stunned.

"Yes, you did. My security intervened before the situation completely escalated."

"Completely escalated?", he repeated not understanding.

"I'm going to let Conner cool down in my office. Maybe you can talk to him later because if he keeps behaving like this, I'm throwing him out," Drake said.

Jason nodded. "Thank you, Drake."

Bryce stuck his head around the corner of the door. "Are you right?", he asked.

Jason laughed. "Isn't that my line?"

Bryce shrugged. "I shouldn't have provoked him like that."

Confused, Jason shook his head. For now, he ignored the remark. Conner's absence offered him the unique opportunity to answer a question that had gnawed at him for a long time. "Bryce? Is there anyone here who could tell me anything about the way Conner got hurt?"

For a moment, he thought. "I could ask Harrison?"

Jason looked grateful at him. "I'll wait here."

While he was pacing through the room, Tanja came to see him. She brought him a dry towel. "I've been informed about someone who has more information about how Conner got hurt," he said grabbing her hands.

"Do you want me to stay?", she asked him, examining him.

"Of course," he replied slightly surprised. "This concerns you as well, doesn't it?"

Carefully she nodded.

Bryce returned with Harrison. The man, friendly and calm, was a nurse at the hospital where Conner had done much of his rehabilitation. At first, he wasn't so eager to tell his story. "It's mostly gossip, and Conner would kill me if he finds out I've been talking about this."

Jason put a hand on his shoulder. "I won't name names."

"Okay." Harrison cleared his throat. "Their convoy had been ambushed. Conner's vehicle was driving over a bomb that tilted them. They were then attacked, with all the occupants being shot. It took a few hours for rescue to get to the vehicle." He bowed his head. "By then, the two soldiers in the back seat had bled to death. Together with the driver, Conner narrowly survived. His legs were broken in two places and he was trapped in the vehicle. The scars come from glass fragments that stuck in his chest. They were removed in the hospital. It was said to be one bloody mess."

He glimpsed up at Jason who looked pale. "Does he still suffer from nightmares?"

"Yes," Tanja replied, taking Jason by the hand.

Harrison shook his head. "He blamed himself so badly that he couldn't do anything for the boys in the back seat. Night after night, he woke up screaming. He didn't like to take the prescribed medicine, but it seemed to work for a little while. Later on even that didn't help."

Jason nodded. "We are now working on alternative therapy." He shook the man's hand. "Thank you for this information and the good concerns."

"What are you going to say to him?", Tanja asked as they walked back together.

"I have no idea," he said honestly. "Go, have fun. I'll see you later."

With heavy legs, he took the stairs leading to Drake's office. A muscular guard opened the door for him. He stepped in and heard the door close behind him.

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