06 | skin ¹

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06 | skin ¹

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06 | skin ¹

Abigail, after accidentally speeding and being unable to talk herself from a ticket, ended up having her licence suspended. She had her bike locked away, not wanting to leave it somewhere with untrustworthy people, which was how she ended up laying across the back seat of the black Impala while Dean filled up the tank. Sam was sat on the hood, something Abigail had contemplated but decided against.

     Ever since the one night stand between Abigail and Sam, things had been awkward between them. Dean never knew, but he was growing suspicious as the two had previously been growing close (well, somewhat close).

     She swung her legs from the seat and grabbed her handbag from the floor beside her head, taking out the small makeup back. She leaned forward over the back seat and adjusted the mirror to see herself properly. Once satisfied, she sat back down.

    Dean and Sam, halfway through one of their 'bonding moments' as Abigail called it ('it' being when they spoke without her), caused Abigail to grow impatient. She sighed, once more leaning over the front seat. She slammed her hand against the horn, Sam jumping off the car. Dean looked at her. "Don't hit Baby!" He snapped at her.

     "Tell someone who gives a damn. Get in the car," Abigail retorted. Dean sighed, checking how much gas he had put in before the brothers got in the car. Abigail sunk back in her seat.

"So, Abbie," Dean started, Abigail looking to him. "Toledo, what did she say?"

"Ask me again and I'll take a bat to your car," Abigail replied calmly, a feigned smile imprinted on her face.

"Worth a shot," Dean spoke defensively.

As he began to drive off, Abigail spoke up once more. "Where are we going?"

"Sam's friend back in St. Louis is on trial for murder or something," Dean answered.

"Sucks for them, why do we have to go?" Abigail scoffed.

"Because they're my friends, Abigail," Sam defended himself.

"Is it supernatural?" Abigail asked, eyebrow raising.

Both of the brother's answered at the same time, each one contradicting the other. "I'm telling you, he's not a killer. Okay?"

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