23 | folsom prison blues

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23 | folsom prison blues

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23 | folsom prison blues

Abigail had made it to the Impala fine, but had wound up resting at Bobby's for weeks. No one knew what was happening and she was yet to show off the marks. When Bobby found her mid-fit during the middle of the night while the boys were hunting ghosts, he questioned Abigail, who showed him the marks and explained. After the two did hours upon hours of research, they found zip.

When Abigail felt better, she waited for the Winchesters to check in on her before saying she was perfectly okay to start hunting again. Before leaving, Abigail promised Bobby she would tell the boys when something big happened again.

Bobby had turned and said, "Would she?" when she had left.

Anyway, that lead to Abigail's first hunt back was Sam and Dean getting themselves arrested. Abigail's role? Well, it was planned to be as their lawyer. But, upon discovering the brothers had a public defender, Abigail had to take on a job she didn't want: a guard.

On the plus side, she got to beat guys up and make money out of it. For that, she was thankful.

Abigail was stood with her hair resting around her face and a hat on her head. She read through the pages of her book as she leaned against the wall, waiting. She had this job for two months.

Two months.

All Abigail had to say was she wanted to kill the Winchesters.

She stood up straight and faced the other guard as her name was called. She closed the book and placed it on the chair. She chewed on the gum and followed along one of the walls. She closed each cell on her side of the corridor, flashing Sam a smile as she closed his.

Once all doors were closed, she waited at the end for all guards to be gone before adjusting her hat and walking towards Sam's cell. "'Sup, Tiny," Abigail greeted, flashing a smile to Sam's roommate. He gave one back. "So, you finally showed up?" Abigail asked Sam, her arms crossed over her chest.

     "What did you do to your hair?" Sam asked her.

     Abigail chuckled. "It's a wig, don't panic," she assured with a smile. "I wasn't sure if I'd like blonde and short, but I do. I'm not changing it. I need to look like my ID." She raised the badge, where she not only had the wig, but also had her lips pressed together in a pout and fingers making a peace sign in front of her face.

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