18 | croatoan ²

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18 | croatoan ²

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18 | croatoan ²

Abigail's nose had been taped back in place by the time Dean had appeared in the lobby. Abigail had separated from them, needing time to think over her Jo situation. On one hand, she cared for Jo deeply. On the other, Jo wanted what Abigail couldn't have.

Abigail was so deep in her own thoughts she hadn't noticed she had been joined by Sam and Pam until Dean knocked on the door calling for Sam to open up.

Sam opened the door, letting in Dean and Mark — both armed. "Did you guys, uh, get to a phone?"

"Road block," Dean answered. He turned to Mark. "I'm gonna have a word. Doc's inside."

"What's going on out there?" Abigail asked, the brothers moving closer to her.

"Man, I don't know, I feel like Chuck Heston in the Omega Man, I mean, Sarge is the only sane person I could find. What are we dealing with, do you know?" Dean asked the two.

"Yeah. Doc thinks it's a virus," Sam replied.

"Okay, great. What do you think?"

"I think she's right," Sam answered. Abigail nodded. Dean was unsure until Sam elaborated. "Yeah. And I think the infected are trying to infect others with blood-to-blood contact. Oh, but it gets better. The uh, the virus? Leaves traces of sulfur in the blood."

"A demonic virus?" Dean asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, more like demonic germ warfare. At least it explains why I've been having visions," Sam answered.

"It's like a Biblical plague," Abigail stated. "I think."

"Yeah. You don't know how right you are, Dean. I've been poring through Dad's journal, found something about the Roanoke colony," Sam told his brother.


"Dad always had a theory about Croatoan. He thought it was a demon's name. Sometimes known as Deva or sometimes Resheph. A demon of plague and pestilence," Sam explained.

"Well, that, that's terrific. Why here, why now?" Dean asked.

"I have no idea. But guys, who knows how far this thing can spread? We gotta get out of here, we gotta warn people," Sam told them both.

From the next room, Mark yelled, "They've got one! In here!"

They all moved to the room Mark was in. "What do you mean?" Dean questioned.

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