34 ★ Empty

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𝔻𝕚𝕒𝕞𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕠𝕝𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕖𝕤 - ℙ𝕒𝕦𝕝 𝕊𝕚𝕞𝕠𝕟

"Empty as a pocket

with nothing to lose"

Hendrix POV

One month. One whole entire month since he left, and it feels like years. The only way I know it's been a month is when Christmas comes and goes.

I can't believe it. It has to be February, maybe even March. But sure enough, it's still December. December 31st to be exact.

The nights wage war on me. Sometimes I'm awake all night, just picturing him in my head. I don't have any pictures of him, and he didn't leave anything behind to remember him. So I try to picture his face often. I don't want to forget what he looks like.

Unlike my Daddy disappearing, I don't have a picture of him.

Other nights, I sleep like a baby, even waking up at 1:00 in the afternoon. One of my sleep filled nights, I was woken by a phone call. I had rolled over to answer it. I didn't even check to see who on earth would be calling at that ungodly hour, I just flipped it open and held it to my ear.

It was Cedric. He was checking in on me. I don't recall what I'd said, but I told him off. As soon as the call ended, I blocked him. I tried to go back to sleep after that, but I ended up crying well into the morning instead.

It's all I can think about today. New Year's Eve. Dylan's invited me to hangout at his frat house to celebrate. I decided to go. I haven't been out in ages, unless it's been to buy food or go to work. I don't know I'm how I've been able to focus on anything after that incident. It's not any wonder I haven't been in the mood to hang out with anyone.

Nothing's the same. I don't have Miranda and Stacey to drag me outside into the world. I have to do this for myself.

I ride the bus, feeling a little embarrassed. I can't exactly ride my bike through a foot of snow. I have to trudge through the white fluff one foot at a time. I'm freezing, and I'm running out of breath way too quickly. That's been happening a lot lately, actually. I can never seem to do anything without getting tired, or running out of breath so bad that I have to stop.

The house doesn't look as crazy as it was the last time I saw it. There's no crazy loud music, no insane lights blinking or flashing. I sigh in relief. So Dylan was telling the truth. It's just a chill hangout. My anxiety flits away, this will be fun, I'm sure of it. It's time I get over Cedric once and for all. I'm nowhere close to that point, but this is just another step in the right direction.

When I knock on the door, I'm surprised by how quickly it swings opens.

"Hey, Hendrix! I'm so psyched you came." It's Dylan, and he smells like beer. Predictable as always. His jaw is sprinkled with peach fuzz, as if he can't summon a 5 o'clock shadow like Cedirc always had. I shake my head, dislodging the thought.

I actually smile when I see Dylan, focusing sorely on him. I missed hanging out with him, he hasn't been the warmest over the past few weeks. I don't know why he's been avoiding me, but clearly that fiasco is over. It was like as soon as Cedric left, Dylan was there for me.

I duck into the house. There's music playing, but it's not loud. It's soothing. Calm. It's not music I would expect from Dylan, or on New Year's Eve of all days. I nod my head along to the slow tempo as he leads me down the hallway into the living room.

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