48 ★ You have my heart

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𝔹𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞 𝕁ℝ 𝕁ℝ

"You have my heart

I die with you, honey

I die with you"

Cedric POV

      I head for my meeting with a tight gripped fist, my knuckles turning white, ready to beat anyone into submission just because I'm annoyed. And pissed. I'm always pissed when I have to be separated from my mate. It's hard to control myself when Hendrix isn't near.

      Of course, this time is different though, I won't be gone long, and I'm here to make sure that her near death situation is resolved, and that the CPO pays for what they've done. I won't leave until it's ensured.

     I'm here alone, Ryk wouldn't leave his pregnant mate, and I already made Ezra leave his mate to come with me to Virginia. Then there's Savannah, thankfully she offered to stay and take care of Hendrix while I'm gone. It's only a two day trip. I'll get in and get out, then I'll be back home like nothing even happened. At least, that's what I hope will happen. You can never tell with these things. They're too unpredictable.

     I never would've guessed that I would ever have to deal with something like this. A CPO agent sent to kill my mate, an operation that knew about the possibility of a human lycan conception. It just sounds like some massive conspiracy theory.

     A few meetings here at the Guard base, then I'm free of this drama and this hatred I feel boiling underneath.

     "Alpha Veiler, you made it." A male voice interrupts my thoughts, and a lycan stands in the doorway of the conference room up ahead.

     I narrow my eyes at him. He's new, and how he knows me. I try my best to remain inconspicuous, but it never seems to work. The scars are obvious, even with my sunglasses. I perch them at the top of my head.

     He holds out his hand for me to shake which I take firmly, testing his strength. He shakes it, smiling grimly at me like he knows it's not the most pleasant circumstances to be meeting. He would be right about that. I'm still killing mad. This is about my mate, and all the other humans that they were "protecting". It's not exactly going to be a good time.

     "Councilman Shepherd." He introduces, and I see him through new eyes. He's fully matured, but very young looking, and fresh faced. He seems inexperienced to be a Councilman. He's Cole's replacement. The past lycan Council member has been arrested because of his ties to the Red Alpha, he never told anyone that it was his daughter the whole time, or that he's the one that drove her to her insanity.

      He killed her mate, causing her to drop off the deep end for good. The killing of a lycan's mate is a felony in our world for that very reason. Luckily, the Red Alpha, otherwise known as Tea Cole, wasn't fully matured when her mate was brutally murdered. If she had shifted before she met her mate, it would've been a whole different story.

     That's why it's so dangerous for me to have a mate. If I die, Hendrix's body wouldn't be able to handle it, she would soon follow me. If my sweet mate died, it would take an army to stop me from slaughtering millions.

     "Let's get started." Councilman Shepherd invites me in, and I take a peek at my wristwatch, realizing I'm already 5 minutes late. No wonder he was waiting impatiently outside the door. These people are nothing if not proper. It bugs me.

     There are quite a few people in the room, already sitting, most of them I don't know and don't care about. I've never seen them before, but it doesn't matter. I won't be here long anyway. No need to become acquainted. I'm not here for a meet and greet.

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