52 ★ Smile for me

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𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝔹𝕖 𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣 - 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℤ𝕠𝕞𝕓𝕚𝕖𝕤

"The warmth of your smile

Smile for me, little one"

Hendrix POV

I sit rather impatiently in a wooden chair, shifting every now and then as the back digs into my skin. When Cedric saw how uncomfortable the chair looked, he immediately put his leather jacket down on it before I sat down. It was a sweet gesture, but it's practically useless.

He has a meeting, and apparently it's pretty long. He said he would try to hurry it along before he left me in the hallway to wait for his return.

At first, I wanted to weasel my way into the meeting right along with him, but he refused, apparently they're discussing Jamison's punishment. Cedric doesn't want me there for that, and I understand why. I don't want to be there either.

I blow out a breath, looking down at the book in my lap uneasily. Another one of Cherry's favorites. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. It's interesting, but it's hard to get into any book right now. I have plenty of things to worry about, like the way my ribs throb from all the kicking the baby is doing.

They all say the baby will come any day now, I'm just wondering how soon that will be. I'm so done waiting, I just want it out of me. Both because I'm excited to hold my bundle of joy, and because I want to feel like myself again. I'll never take my body for granted again.

When I feel a light tap on my shoulder, I look up from my book with alarm. I didn't hear anyone approach me, didn't feel another presence. My eyes search to no avail before going downward to meet a little boy sitting in the chair next to me.

He tilts his head up at me, his mysterious lime green eyes peeking out from under his shaggy, dirty blond hair. A constellation of freckles covers his face.

A natural smile grows on my face at the sight of him. He's a curious sight, I find myself peeking around to see if any adults are around to be watching him. It would seem he's alone, which is strange.

He can't be older than 4 years old. I'm 18 and I'm hardly left alone, which is more to do with my species and pregnant state than my age. I have a feeling this little boy isn't human, we are at the Guard headquarters after all.

"Hello there."

"Hi." He replies, a large, toothy grin splitting his lips as his adorable little scratchy voice fills my heart up. He swings his short legs back and forth idly while he watches me.

I know he's a lycan just by the way his eyes look like neon with how they glow.

"Why is your belly so big?"

I laugh wholeheartedly while I put my book down after shoving the book mark in between the pages. I don't know what to think about this kid. My hand carefully rubs my distended stomach as I turn to face the little guy. He raises his eyebrows as he waits for my answer.

"There's a pup in there." His eyes grow wide and his face twists in confusion.

"Really? But how can he breathe in there?"

I laugh again, this time it's too much, my side pinches in pain, I try to stop but it's just too funny.

"Don't worry about it, the pup can breathe just fine. And why do you think it's a boy?" I answer, because I find it amusing that he thinks he knows the gender. Then again, he's little, children think the oddest things.

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