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Chapter Sixteen - Unexpected Propositions

It's now Friday and I'm helping Theo with the last horse-riding class. The children look so adorable wrapped up in their coats, hats and boots because currently it's quite chilly at six in the evening. I go around helping them onto the ponies and get acquainted with a young girl called Stacey. She grins excitedly as she holds the reigns tightly while I guide the pony around.

"What's her name?" She asks as she caresses the pony's head.

"Silver." I reply and chuckle as she coos.

Stacey babbles away to the pony and me throughout the lesson. She's a very quick learner and I find myself being impressed by her on numerous occasions when she follows Theo's instructions perfectly. I guide Silver out of the pen and we try having the ponies trot faster for the remainder of the lesson. The children, bar one or two, seem to enjoy it thoroughly and their cheers and squeals echo in the air.

"Can't we go faster?" Stacey whines and my eyes widen in surprise before I laugh.

Theo hears her and responds with a shake of his head. "Not yet, Stace. We wouldn't want you falling off and getting that pretty coat of yours all dirty."

"Okay." She slouches with a pout before her attention gets captured by Silver once more.

When the lesson ends at eight o'clock I help Stacey down who pushes up on her toes to hug Silver. I see her mom take a picture of them before I wave goodbye and guide Silver back to the stables along with the other ranch hands. After making sure the white-haired pony is settled in for the night and has enough food I bid everyone goodnight before walking back home.

Theo falls into step with me just as my phone rings. I pull it out of my jacket only to frown when it says private number. I feel the familiar sense of dread creep up within me when I think about who it can be. Theo mutters a curse under his breath before hastily taking out his own phone.

"That's probably Seth. Put it on speaker and I'll record it." He instructs and I nod before accepting the call and doing as he says.


I hear him chuckle darkly before he sighs. "I'm glad you picked up this time. I was beginning to think I'd never hear your voice, Bella."

"Seth...please stop this. Leave me alone –"

"I love you, Bella. All I want is for us to be together again but you just don't understand. Don't worry though, when I bring you back home everything will be okay again." He replies and I feel myself tremble in fear.

"I won't go with you! The court will give me a date soon and you'll be locked away for good just like you deserve!" I seethe angrily and feel Theo squeeze my shoulder.

He bursts into hysterical laughter and I find my anger dissipating into disbelief. "Not even the police and the court can save you Ella but I do admire your efforts. I'll talk to you soon. Until then, watch your back sweetheart."

I release a shaky breath as he hangs up. I look up at Theo who gives me a tight hug and rubs my back. I struggle to hold back the tears of frustration and fright that are stinging the back of my eyes. I must be strong, I think to myself. I must stay hopeful that he will be punished soon.

"Chin up, Ella. We've got you." Theo whispers and I thank him in response before he pulls away. "I'll send you the recording so you can give it in as evidence."

I nod before calling Roman who's currently working in Houston for a few days. He gets Fred on the call as soon as I tell him that Seth called me. They tell me to send the recording to them before saying that they'll alert the station in Dallas so that they can keep a lookout. I thank them both before the call ends and make sure to send the recording over like they requested.

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