3.7K 133 21

Depth: Forty-five feet above sea level.
Location: Avenger's Tower, Training Gym.

Bucky has gone through four punching bags, and it's not even noon yet.

Fury sent Stark out on his mini-mission at around eight that morning, and ever since then, Bucky has been on edge. He can't sit still, he can't think straight, he can't even interact with anyone without getting lost in his own mind. So, he's resorted to exercising. It's the only thing that seems to keep him sane these days.

After slipping into a rhythm and destroying yet another punching bag, he takes a break. He grabs his water bottle and collapses onto one of the nearby benches in the gymnasium, gulping down the water.

"I hope there are some punching bags left. Other people in this tower like to train, too."

Bucky removes the water bottle from his mouth, looking towards the gym entrance. A red-headed female is leaning against the door frame, arms crossed, smirking at him. Involuntarily, he mimics her smirk.

"There's some in the storage closet," he says and resumes drinking from his bottle.

Natasha smiles and shakes her head, walking across the gym to meet him. "You know, it really wouldn't kill you to let a joke slide every now and then," she says, plopping down on the bench beside him. A part of him would much rather be alone, but since it's Natasha and not Steve, he's okay with it. Steve can be overbearing at times, and Bucky doesn't appreciate it.

"I guess I'm still lacking in that department," he says, setting down his bottle and standing.

"Apparently," Nat says, raising an eyebrow at him. Then, almost skeptically, she asks, "How are you doing?"

Bucky turns to face her, raising an eyebrow. How am I doing? he thinks. Well, besides dealing with the two-dozen people I've killed, hatred from Stark, sleepless nights, and frequent, head-splitting headaches from returning memories, I'm just dandy. Huh. Looks like he can make jokes.

"I'm fine," he tests, drawing out the words uncertainly. He can't help but wonder what she's getting at.

Natasha chuckles at him. "I only ask because your floor is right above mine, and since the one above you is for storage, I guess I'm the only one who hears."

Oh. That's what she's getting at. Almost immediately, Bucky looks away, focusing on a water droplet on the bench where he was sitting. "Oh," he simply says and bends down to wipe away the drop, being sure to take as long as humanly possible.

"Look," Nat says, "I can't say I know what you've gone through, but I'm pretty sure I went through something similar. So, if you ever need to just talk, I'm not one to be overbearing, like someone else we both know."

Bucky smiles once again, finding the bravery to look at Natasha. "Thank you," he simply says.

Natasha nods and clears her throat somewhat awkwardly. She stands soon after and begins to speak. "Well, I guess I'd-.."

Then, before she can finish, the door to the gym busts open, and Nicky Fury appears, panting. "Barnes, Romanoff," he announces, taking a breath after. "Meeting room, now."

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