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Depth: Zero feet above sea level.
Location: Avenger's Docking Area.

Everyone takes the rest of the day to sleep, and is awake by eleven. They are at the dock just a few minutes before midnight. Thor is the last to arrive, setting down on the dock at eleven fifty-seven.

They are all dressed in comfortable clothes, as the trip will be around twenty hours long, and they need to get all the quality rest they can. They will change into wetsuits and their armor right before they reach the base.

After loading the weapons and necessary supplies onto the submarine, Tony, Steve, Natasha, Thor, Clint, and Bucky climb into the submarine one-by-one. A SHEILD official, Caitlyn Burgess, is already there, preparing the submarine for descent.

"Have any of you ever been in a sub before?" she asks when all the Avengers are there.

"I dove a plane into ice - is it anything similar?" Steve questions.

Caitlyn chuckles slightly, spinning around in her chair to face the six of them."Not in the least. There's chairs around the back, I'd have a seat if I were you. We'll start the descent in about five minutes."

The Avengers take the advice. The submarine is large, so in the back there is a comfortable room, with enough chairs for all of them. They sit in silence, the only sound being the rhythmic tapping of Bucky's mechanical fingers against his thigh. He is the most nervous of them all.

"Alright, we're beginning the descent!" Caitlyn yells from the front of the submarine.

Before the Avengers can make any comments, the submarine lurches forward, dropping from its suspended position into the ocean.

"Well, here's the start of our twenty hours," Natasha says, leaning back in her chair with a sigh. "Let's hope we don't try and kill each other before it's over."

"No promises," Tony snarls, throwing a menacing glare in Bucky's direction.

Bucky is too focused on trying not to panic to notice. He's already beginning to sweat, and his throat feels tight, making it hard to breathe. The thought of being in a tight space, unable to escape, trapped, for that long frightens him greatly. He never liked tight spaces, even before HYDRA.

"Look, if we're going to try not to kill each other, making personal jabs isn't the way to do it," Steve interjects. "Personally, I think sleep would be good for us all."

"I agree with the Captain," Thor says, "even I am in need of rest."

"Agreed," Clint yawns, stretching out his legs. "I'll be asleep if you need me, but you better not need me."

"Same here," Natasha chimes in, and adjusts her chair so she can sprawl her upper body across Clint's lap. Surprisingly, it seems comfortable for them both.

Everyone else follows their lead, getting into comfortable positions and resting their eyes until they drift off into a light sleep. Soon enough, the only people who remain awake are Bucky, who can't sleep due to panic, and Steve, who doesn't want to leave Bucky awake by himself.

"You doing alright, Buck?" Steve asks after awhile.

Bucky leaves his eyes closed and nods, as he doesn't trust himself to open them. "I'm okay," he says, his voice rusty.

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