3.2K 105 21

Depth: Fifty feet above sea level.
Location: Avengers Tower, Bucky's Floor

Bucky feels as if he's drowning inside his own head. All of it, everything - it's too much to process. There are too many missing pieces, too many questions unanswered. The fact that HYDRA had a secret base buried under miles of water made for the sole purpose of concealing this woman, Tania, leads him to think that she must be something HYDRA never wanted anyone else to know about. But why? What is so special about this woman? What can she do that HYDRA rendered the Winter Soldier unable to?

It bothers him, the not knowing. In a way, it also enrages him. If HYDRA had someone much more powerful than him all along, why even use him? Why ruin his life, make him perform missions, turn him into a monster? Why not just use the woman?

It's a selfish thought, he admits, but one he can't help but to think.

Sullenly, Bucky looks away from the television screen, which he admittedly wasn't even paying attention to, to the digital clock on his table. It reads 2:37AM, and Bucky doesn't even feel tired.

Despite this, he huffs a sigh and stands, clicking off the television a moment later. He supposes at least trying to sleep will do him some good - hopefully. He begins making his way to his bedroom, preparing for sleep even though his mind is doing everything but. Questions buzz around like angry wasps, annoying him and refusing to leave him alone for even a moment. He considers taking a sleeping pill, but knows -

knock knock

Bucky jumps slightly, turning to face the door which leads into the elevator corridor of his floor. He swallows uneasily, knowing that someone can't be coming to bring him good news if they're coming at nearly three in the morning.

Hesitantly, he approaches the door, turning the knob softly once he gets there. He opens the door just a crack, which is enough to see the darkly-dressed, looming figure of Nick Fury standing before him. Bucky's stomach pitfalls a bit as he opens the door wider, looking into the eye of Nick Fury sternly, but also nervously.

"Evening, Barnes," Fury says in his confident voice. "Sleep evading you?"

Bucky doesn't respond. He highly doubts the director of SHIELD has come to his door in the middle of the night to discuss his sleep schedule. Carefully, Bucky leans to his left to peek around Fury, and that's when he sees a SHIELD agent, bearing a weapon, standing off to the side. There is another one just to the right of Fury.

Silently, Bucky stares back up into the Director's eyes.

"It's nothing personal, Barnes," Fury tells him, "I hope you understand that. I just can't risk it. Until SHIELD knows more about our mystery woman, I don't want you hearing anything... from anyone."

Bucky continues to glare, feeling his anger boiling inside him. Despite that, he remains silent, inhaling a heavy breath before exhaling it softly. "Fine," he grumbles, wanting to hit himself as soon as the word exits his mouth.

Instead of that, he silently extends his hands, and promptly after, he is handcuffed by one of the agents. To Bucky's dismay, he knows exactly where they'll be taking him.


The next morning, Tania gives word to Bruce that she is ready to answer some questions. Within five minutes after that, Fury, Steve, and Tony are in the room, Steve standing in front of the hospital bed while the other two men hang back. Bruce is continuing to monitor Tania's vitals.

BERMUDA | B.BARNES (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now