CH 15. Konoha's New Jinchūriki

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Darkness ..................

That's all i see ...................

Pure ..... Darkness ..................

I'm bored of this already ..................

Like an old friend ..................

Now, when will i wake up ...............

As Nishida is roaming in his unconscious state mind, Suddenly, a small light appears in front of Nishida that slowly expanding.

Oh, speak of the devil .................

The slowly expanding light now engulfed everything, including Nishida.


Slowly, Nishida start to opens his eyes. After fully awake, He begins analyzing his surroundings on his left.

Huuhh ....... I'm, lying on a bed. Hmmm, this bed, those curtains, these clothes. A hospital room. Oh, the color of the sunlight, it's afternoon right now.

Then, he turns on his right side and spots something that caught his attention.

Huh, Naruto ? He's sleeping.

Naruto is asleep on Nishida's right side while sitting on a chair and lie his head on his hands on the bed.

Well, ain't he's adorable.

Then, Nishida's right hand slowly starts to shake Naruto's head.

"Oy, sleepyhead, wake UUuup"

After five seconds of shaking, Naruto straightens up on his chair and rubs his eyes try to gain full consciousness. After fully wake up, he saw Nishida already conscious.

"Oh, Nii-san you're awake !"

"Yeah, it was a good sleep i had," Nishida said then Stretch himself while still on the bed.

"Of course you are. You've been sleeping for two days. So you're the sleepyhead dattebayo."

"Wait, two days you said ?"

"Yeah, when you show me and Iruka your green eye, you passed out ever since. So.......Nii-san, when you gonna tell me about your eye, they were awesome looking." Naruto said

"Well......" Before Nishida continues, the door from Nishida's left side suddenly opens up, revealing Iruka and Hiruzen walks in.

"Ah, Nishida, you're awake at last. How do you fell ?" Iruka said.

"Oh sensei, gramps. What a surprise visit. Well, I'm very good actually. It feels like I'm fully refreshed now"

"Good good. Yes, i relieve some of my time to check up on you my boy. And also because i want to verify something that Iruka and Naruto said. Do you mind ?" Hiruzen said.

"Uh no, not at all. Please" Nishida said then gesture to two empty chairs to the left side of Nishida with his left hand. Then, Iruka and Hiruzen sit on the chairs.

"Thank you. Now, i want to clarify something from two days ago that Iruka and Naruto told me about you."

"Yes ?"

"It's about your eye."

Ohh, that.

"Hmm, do you mean this..."

After he said that, Nishida closes his eyes for four seconds and when he reopened his eyes, they were no longer dark brown but instead is green with a 7-sided pupil and a certain pattern. reveals the Tenigan.

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