CH 16. The Five Man Group

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"Phew, that settled it." Nishida said who just finished created a havoc using spells on a Training Ground.

"Man, what ... a ... workout, eh ?." Nishida said as he inspects the damages caused by him.

I couldn't imagine the face of someone order you to cause a distraction

"Oh come one Shiki, you've got to admit this is cool. Although, a distraction requires more 'sauce' ."

At the scene, on the ground, six small burned out craters, all of the sizes of the craters are various, but the biggest one is the size of a basketball.

A couple of trees with broken branches and some got balded from leaves.

And in front of him, a stream of burnt marks, all the way to the trees. Anything that got hit, burn instantaneously. Smokes still visible from the ground and the trees that got hit.

"Hmmm, let's see .... 1 ... 5 ... Oh, 10m. Hell yeah. That's longer than Sasuke's Great Fireball Jutsu. My new spell, 'Incendio Diabolica Tria' sure is op."

Yes, yes you're right. And you basically created a battle ground.

"What time is it .... oh 6.50, damn. I got so pumped until i forgot the time. The good thing is still 10 minutes before the orientation. Well, that's a wrap."

And with that, Nishida Dissaperate to the academy.

LATER ....

After arriving at the classroom door from Dissaperation, which cause the others to get spooked when they're about to enter the classroom. When Nishida enters, he immediately saw a group of girls next to what is look like Sasuke sitting in his table while Naruto crouch on Sasuke's table while facing him, face to face.

Oooh dang, i remember this. And now the question is, should i stop it or not. Hmmm. You know what, screw it.

With his intentions sought out, he starts to walk to the crowds. Then, Naruto starts to lean forward, with his lips and Sasuke's only a couple of inches away. For Nishida, everything went to slow motion. Nishida immediately pulls his wand from the holster, aims it at Naruto and chant ....


After Nishida chanting the spell, Naruto's body stops in motion with his lips only a quarter inch away from Sasuke's. Earning squeaks from the girls and Naruto and Sasuke relieve their breath.

"Well ... well ... well. And here i thought you guys are straight." Nishida said as he walks closer to Naruto.

Then, Nishida lifts Naruto in the air so he can see who saved him.

"Oh Nii-san. Nice save !" Naruto said in the air and giving thumbs up to Nishida.

"Whoa, how are you floating ?" Sakura asked Naruto.

"The answer is simple Sakura, it's magic." Nishida answered and already below Naruto.

"There it is again with your magic thingies. I mean, They're all doesn't make any sense." Sakura said. This earns attention from a curious Uchiha.

"Trust me Sakura, there are questions you don't want to hear the answers to." Nishida said and then ward off his spell and prepare his hands for a falling Naruto. Nishida caught him and now carrying him in bridal style.

"Hey Otouto, did I mention that you're cuter and more handsome today." Nishida said in lustful tone and face. Causing Naruto and some girls start to blush.

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