{22} Paris

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Chapter 22- Paris

Breyanna's P.O.V

"Adea where are we?" Quanda asked

"We are in the magical interior," Adea answered excitedly

"What?" Sese asked

I looked around the green fields that lead to nothing but more fields

"Adea where the heck are we?" Ryker hissed

Adea rolled her eyes and clapped her hands

When she did that we were in Paris,

"Wow," Sese and I gasped

Adea walked up to a 40-year-old woman

"Bonne après-midi Mademoiselle, pouvez-vous me diriger vers la cabine de Casper Chan?" Adea asked in French

"Qui es-tu pour lui?" The woman asked

"Je suis l'ex-petite amie de Jammi Star Casper," Adea said more like lied

"Vraiment?" The lady asked

"Oui," Adea lied again

"Ok Jemmi, tu vas sous la Tour Eiffel et tu verras un escalier qui descend tu le suivras et tu trouveras ce que tu cherches," The lady explained to Adea

"Merci mademoiselle," Adea said

She walked up to us and sighed

"Wow, let's go," Sese said

Iona giggled at something Quanda said

Adea went up to a 20-year-old man to which Ryker hissed in jealousy,

"Puis-Je emprunter votre vélo et vos amis aussi?" Adea asked and the man smirked

"Qu'est-ce que j'en retire?" The man asked

"Je ne sais pas, 2000$?" Adea asked

The man nodded and Adea put her hand in the pocket of her shorts and took out a black card, she put it in the man's hand, the man called his friends and their given Adea their keys

He nodded at Adea, and took out his keys and gave it to her,

Adea nodded and gave us one each,

"Let's go, follow me," Adea said

Adea mounted her bike with Ryker at the back with her, he rests his hands on her small waist, and his head on her neck,

I mounted my bike and Jacob was behind me, he wrapped his muscular arms around my small waist and he rests his face in the crook of my neck then he took a deep breath,

"You smell lovely," Jacob's wolf growled

"Thank you," I replied

Adea started her bike then nodded at us before riding away

I followed her after 36 minutes of riding we arrived at the Eiffel Tower, Adea kill her motor and hopped off her bike, we followed her like lost puppies

Adea stood at the foot of the tower and looked down, then she started jumping

"Is Adea high?" Sese asked

"No she's crazy," Quanda said as we continued to watch Adea jump on the gold tile,

Suddenly the ground started to shake

"Earthquake," Lani screamed

"I can't die, I need to eat the new Lucky charms," Quanda wailed

Adea rolled her eyes and moved away from the tile,

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