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10/11/2019 - Sunday - At Chennai, Tambaram.

I was quite tired from all the work in the morning. Thank god, Rajiv's mom didn't ask me to make lunch too.

It has been two hours and I did nothing but scrolling through Instagram.

My phone rang and woke me up from my trance. It was Shwetha.

"Hi! " I said.

" Don't you dare hi me, you came here three days ago and you didn't bother to meet me. " She said angrily.

" Sorry, was caught up. " I said biting my tongue.

"Do you atleast remember my engagement? " She asked.

" I do idiot, I planned all that beforehand. I would be there. " I said.

"Good. Be there by 6 tomorrow. The Hall is in Porur. Don't get stuck in traffic. " She said.

"Okay, okay, my mother. " I said.

" I can't really believe I am getting engaged ! " She said merrily.

" I can't too! " I said laughing.

" Don't joke! Be there tomorrow! " She said in a blackmailing tone.

"Yes ma'am! " I said and she cut the call.

Oops, I forgot to ask her about the groom.

I went back to Instagram and a thought crossed on my mind.

Shwetha was the reason I met Shiva. It was a very small incident, but something I imagined a lot of times.

They say poems are a lot beautiful than essays, because of how they end short. That's the same with that incident.

A small moment between two strangers. But something unforgettable.

As time passed on, I even forgot his face, but remembered how it felt. Was that because of how close he was to me, was it because of that anxious moment of being with a stranger?

I am over thinking. But how did I end up with him now? He is partially married now, so it is literally a sin for me to even imagine all this again.

The calling bell rang and woke me up from my trance of thoughts.

I heard Rajiv's mom shouting at someone.

" You are worthless Shiva! " She was shouting at the top of her lungs.

I walked out of the room terrified . I looked down the stairs a bit scared.

I saw Shiva standing in the living room with a dreadful face.

His mom was standing behind him shouting.

" After all this, you shouted at Anjali? That poor girl went home on her own and she has been crying till now. What happened? " She asked.

Oops, seems like someone flopped the first date.

" Amma, I can't tell you all the things she did! Even If I did, you wouldn't believe! " He shouted back.

"What's wrong? She is going to marry you! Everything is going well. Now because of your stupidity I don't want any sort of obstacles in your marriage! " She said.

" I don't want this marriage! " He shouted back.

What? Why? How?

" Haan, as if girls are standing behind you with 100 poun gold begging you to marry them! Your life will be settled if you marry her! " His mom said.

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