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20/11/2019 - Wednesday- At Chennai.

Shiva's P. O. V :

I slowly moved my face away from her. She was breathing fast and rugged, I was shaking a bit too. I took away my hand over her face and turned back to my seat slowly.

Her hands were still over my shirt. After a minute, she finally composed herself and turned to look back at the screen.

I thought I was about to get a tight slap from her, but no. She adjusted her hair and looked at me sideways. I was gaping at her not knowing how to undo what I did.

I hope I didn't ruin this day. I was instantly regretting the kiss.

" Sorry " I said slowly.

She didn't turn to my side. She was staring at the screen. I was becoming more tense as she didn't respond at all.

" I didn't mean to do it. I really didn't. Talk to me" I said.

She didn't budge at all. My fear was increasing every minute.

"Look, I am sorry, I shouldn't have done it. I just did it out of senseless anger. I crossed the boundary. Sorry for spoiling your mood " I said.

This time she looked at me with open mouth. She closed her mouth soon and shook her head and muttered something under her breadth. She was definitely angry.

" What do you mean by spoiling my mood? " She finally asked.

" You know I mean, I shouldn't have done it. I did it out of nerve, it's bad, I know. " I blabbered.

" So you think it was bad? " She asked raising her eye brows.

" It was worst. I shouldn't have done it. Forgive me. " I said.

" So you mean the kiss was the worst? , I thought you enjoyed it. " She said biting her lower lip.

" Yeah, wait, what? " I asked confused. She was having so much of fun by giving me riddles. She leaves me out of sense.

" You have lot to learn though " She said giggling.

I was still out of words. I thought she was going to shout at me, but she just didn't. Why was I not able to come up with a retaliation! Why am I so confused!

I suddenly remembered how good it was to kiss her, her soft cheek and her God damned lips, it had happened few minutes ago, but the time apart felt like years together.

Part of my mind still wanted to pull her close and kiss her again for all her notorious replying. I shook my head to throw away the dirty thoughts. I decided to give back her riddles.

" So, was that enough to prove that I wasn't gay? " I asked again, intentionally making my lips graze over her ear. She shivered a bit and looked at me.

" Yes. All doubts cleared " She said looking at me.

" Shall we watch the movie now? " I said. She shook her head and turned to the screen.

I tried to focus on the movie but my thoughts were constantly drifting back to the kiss. I never thought it would be this much distracting.

After few minutes, the image of Anjali trying to kiss me came to my mind, the absence of this interest that I have now made me shiver. Will I have to spend my entire life not liking the physical contact with Anjali.

Suddenly , Aparna laid her head over my shoulder,she was fast asleep . I adjusted my seat to let her rest comfortably. She must have been tired because of her lack of sleep.

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