Chapter 24 - I wish Anna gets jealous like that (J)

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We drove through the almost empty roads of the city outskirts in silence except for the few times Anna gave directions. What a day it had been; I am happy that I finally got answers but I am still pissed off at her dad. How could he do all of that and yet say sorry so easily? Like I told him I am going to keep her as far as possible from him; even if I have to fight with her.

I looked at her tired of the silence only to find her engrossed in thoughts looking out of the window. I can totally relate to what she is thinking; that was my exact feeling four years ago. When I knew the truth I didn’t know if I should be happy or sad about it; sad for finding out my dad was dead or happy for having Mark on our side. I didn’t want Elle to endure my pain and so I never told her the truth. But with Gabe, I can never hide anything; he will understand what’s going on the second he sees me.

These past few months have been good with Anna; she is definitely a good influence on me. She made me want to live for the love we have instead of lamenting at what we have lost.

She’s put up through shit because of her dad and still she is ready to forgive him; or maybe she already forgave him in her heart.

Sensing her movement beside me I scooted close to her while she kept her head on my shoulder and quietly mumbled “I want to talk to my dad – my real dad”

I nodded and pulled out my mobile calling my dad. I gave information and told him to find out about him as soon as possible; he agreed without asking any questions. Since George Phillips is said to be from one of the powerful families of Europe finding out his number won’t be tough; after all, my dad is a successful businessman and his circle of friends consists of biggies from different industries.  

Kissing me on the cheek she whispered “Thank you”

Stopping the car I sat straight and spoke in clear words “If you want to kiss me, do it properly” I grabbed her lips onto my own pulling her close to me.

Seeing her flushed face I smirked “You are welcome by the way”

She looked confused but then instantly understood I replied for her ‘Thank you’ as she lowered her head blushing.

For few minutes we drove in silence again until I heard a beep from my mobile. I opened it to find a message from my dad which has George Phillips number.

Stopping the car I called the given number and jerked the mobile towards Anna who didn’t bother to take it from my hands.

“Hello?” We heard through the speaker of the phone.

Anna was staring at it in shock and so I answered “Umm hello”

“Who is this?”

“Can I talk to George Phillips?”

“I am George. Who is it?”

My dad managed to get the personal number of George? Wow, I have to thank him later.

“Umm my friend wants to talk to you” I blurted out.

I nudged Anna to speak but she is still looking at the mobile as if it had STD. “Anna!!!” I whisper yelled closing the microphone of the cell with my hand.

“You have to talk to him. I know it’s tough for you but you’ve been strong all these years and you have to be strong again. I know you can do this baby”

She looked at me gratefully before taking the mobile from my hands “H-Hello”

“Who is this?” This time the voice was even softer, may be since he realized it’s a girl talking to him.

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