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It's my birthday today!!🎂🤪 Y'all enjoy, so bleh! :pp (I just did this chapter today- I tried to fix the grammar as fast as I could- so sorry if it seems rushed

Any other fellow Aquarius?! 💕✨

Any other fellow Aquarius?! 💕✨

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Hunter´s Pov 

¨Wrong!¨ I took off my belt as it whipped the air backward and smacked the ground, as a warning for Y/n. She was shaking in fear but didn´t say anything. Stubborn. 

¨Again,¨ I growled lowly. 

She was supposed to catch a plastic stick with her mouth as she juggled balls. But obviously failed over and over again. With every attempt, no progress. I was losing patience as I did whip her this time, multiple, out of frustration. She whimpered liked a kicked puppy and she layed 

 there on the ground trembling with the dark bruises that I gave her on her back. I rubbed my temple, as I slowly transferred my hand- brushing through my hair. 

¨Practice that performance. You better have it done after I´m done with my training.¨ I turned my back on her. I warmed up with my following exercise of  three-four hours of running, lifting weights, and doing flexibility exercises. Giving it 100%, I was a dripping water fountain of my own sweat. I wipped my forehead and the wetness trickled down my neck, my black tank top soaking it like a sponge. Huffing and puffing, my training wasn´t over, not yet at least. As a performer for being a trapeze artist, I have to keep in shape, as well as being able to fly and do cool tricks that everyone loves. I began to climb a latter to 6-8 feet as I made it to a podium. 

With a soft trampoline to catch my fall, if I do, my safety matters, even if I am risking my life just to preform for an audience, the applause is always intoxicating, addicting if you will.  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. With the morning sun, and heavy breeze brushing against my tan skin, I opened them back up, with determination taking a hold of me. I took a few steps back, I sprinted forward and jumped to catch the metal pole. Doing a flip, and then swinging my body to the other, and eventually making my way to the other side of the podium, to which this cycle continued as I added the choreography that the dance instructor had taught me for weeks on. Slowly, it was just me and the swinging poles as everything went black. 

He saw that Y/n was with a boy. Going, and went to buy her, her lunch, He was humming gently until he heard a guys voice. Deep and low. Before going to turn a corner, he stopped had his back against the wall, hiding and hearing the conversation. 

¨Y/n, I like you.¨

Those words sank his heart. The devil was talking to him through both shoulders. That voice in his head that made him confused with reality. 

She´s cheating. 

No, she´s not…

Yes, she is. 

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