Chapter seven - In which you have a banging hangover

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Author's note: Three exams down, one to go, I have my last one tomorrow morning but after having almost six hours of exams today I'm having a small break (probably won't do any revision tonight hehe) (why am I like this). Anyways here is chapter seven which is a bit shorter, please leave a comment if you enjoyed and help me come up with a name for this! I'm so stuck :(( Hope you enjoy! 


When you woke up it was light outside. You knew that because your eyelids were burning.

You lay very still as you regained consciousness, feeling a throbbing in the base of your skull which couldn't be good. Ow.

"Morning sunshine! How's that head?"

That was Tony. Too loud. Far too loud. You made an indistinguishable noise from under the blanket you were hiding beneath and heard him laugh. How was he so lively?

"Don't worry, I haven't seen anyone else yet. Last night was wild, even by my standards."

You emerged bleary-eyed from your cocoon and shielded your eyes from the sunlight streaming through the windows straight into your face. Tony was doing something in the kitchen, dressing gown and slipper clad.

"You managed to make it to bed then." you croaked, gesturing at his attire.

"Thanks to Pep, I was well looked after. What about you? I refuse to believe you made it there tucked under a blanket under your own steam." Tony asked, at the exact same moment that you remembered who had helped you last night.

"I can't remember." you lied, pretending to look thoughtful. Loki had been so nice to you! If that wasn't a breakthrough you didn't know what was. Had he stayed until you fell asleep? Why was your brain not working? Something about a favour...?

"Huh, that's weird. Want some eggs?"

"Please." you replied, eager to change the subject. You didn't think Loki would appreciate it if you told everyone what had happened, he had a stone-cold reputation to uphold.

You chatted to Tony about what you remembered of the party, and then he served eggs and toast which you sat at the table with him to eat. It was delicious, and you ate in silence for a while.

"So, how do you feel about joining the team?"

Unfortunately, you had chosen that exact moment to swallow the food in your mouth at the time, and you gasped in surprise, subsequently causing you to choke. Tony leaned towards you in concern, but you waved him away, not in any imminent danger.

"You what?!" you finally managed to say, wiping your streaming eyes.

"I don't know why you're crying, I thought it was obvious that you were joining! Unless you don't want to of course." Tony replied, evidently holding back a wide smile.

"I just... you can't announce stuff like that at breakfast! Don't the others need to- I mean, yes, god yes, of course I want to join, I just thought it was so soon..." you rambled, in shock.

"So, that's a good feeling then? I couldn't quite tell."

"I- yes. Yes. Please." It was at this point that you decided to stop trying to talk.

"You've taken incredibly well to training, and you have your 'mist'; truthfully you already feel like one of the team and you've only been around for just over two weeks. Obviously you'll need more training before we can take you out in the field, and there'll need to be an official initiation to announce it to the public, and we'll need to get you some gear... sound good?

Meant To Be (Loki x reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα