Chapter forty - In which you sneak off, again

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Author's note: Hey guys! A super early update today because I drank a whole bottle of energy drink at like 11pm and now it's 2:21am and I'm wide awake XD I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter, let me know what you thought in the comments; I love reading them as always <3 Also, you should go and check out 'The Adventures of Loki and his Commander' by @AahanaSwrup if you're on the hunt for some amazing Loki fanfic! 


"Thor, calm down."

You had said a swift goodbye to Loki and ushered Thor from the room towards the elevator as quickly as you could, wishing to avoid any unfortunate incidents involving the two brothers and a knife Loki had been about to conjure.

"I cannot! This is brilliant news, how long have you been, I mean – was it Asgard? When...?"

"Thor, please." you grinned, holding up a hand.

"It wasn't Asgard, it was Christmas Eve -"

"I knew it!"

"Although, it would have been Asgard, if you and the Warriors Three hadn't intervened..." you remembered, grinning at the horrified expression on his face.

"What do you mean?! When?"

"After the dancing, Loki and I were outside my room and Volstagg knocked something over and broke it."

"And that was... you were – and we...?"

"Yep. Thanks for that, by the way." you added sarcastically.

"I was slightly drunk, I don't recall..."

"Slightly sounds like a bit of an understatement." you smirked.

"So, tell me..."

Unfortunately, it was at that moment you reached the penthouse, and the elevator doors slid open.

"You're not getting away with this. I want to talk to you later on." Thor told you sternly, but unable to keep the smile from his face. His excitement was affecting you, making you smile widely.

"Okay, but listen, don't tell the others yet. Please."

Thor's face fell.

"Why not?"

"I think you know. I doubt the others will be as pleased as you are."

"You're right. I won't say anything."

"Thank you."

Thor pulled you to one side as you stepped out of the elevator and into the corridor leading to the penthouse; you turned to look at him in surprise.

"Y/N, you and Loki... he – it's..." he faltered, searching for the right words.

You smiled, hearing what he was trying to say in your mind very clearly, feeling his happiness and relief as though it was your own. Placing a hand on his arm to stop him talking, you nodded.

"I get it."

Thor suddenly enveloped you in a very tight hug. You returned it in surprise, abruptly feeling an unexpected swell of emotion in your chest. He released you just as swiftly and grinned widely.

"Let's get drunk."

You entered the crowded penthouse and rejoined the others, and had barely started on your first drink when...

Are you okay?

Yes, why?

I felt something. A feeling which wasn't mine.

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