Chapter ten - In which you're very ill

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Author's note: Heyy, this is a really late update - I only got in at half ten (pm) and then sat playing Candy Crush for like half an hour for no reason in particular?? Then I had to sort my room out because it's still really messy after decorating it uGH. Anyways, here's chapter ten, reminder that the next few chapters of this fic are up on AO3 because I started posting on there before here! My username is highfuncti0ningfangirl on there, and the same for tumblr if you're on there! Leave a comment/vote if you enjoy!  (this gif of Thor is a bit random but it was hard to find a related gif for this chapter so... have some smiley Thor) <3


It was two days after your first mission with the Avengers, and you hadn't left your bed since the previous morning. You had the worst cold you thought you'd ever had and definitely felt the worst you ever had; not allowing anyone apart from Thor anywhere near you, as he wouldn't be affected by 'a silly Midgardian ailment'. It hadn't felt very silly to you when you'd not slept all night from not being able to breathe. Ah well, you weren't exactly having a hard time, lying in bed all day watching TV and being bought food regularly by Thor who stayed to make sure you ate it and to keep you company for a while.

At exactly one o'clock in the afternoon Thor knocked on the door and you called him in, pausing the show that you were watching. You'd spent almost all of yesterday watching the news, which you had been on (apparently people had noticed that there was a new, magic wielding member of the team), and worrying about what people were saying about you until Thor had finally persuaded you to turn it off. Also on your mind was Nat's comment that she'd made after the party, about how you might be in danger if people knew about your magic. Which they, whoever they were, now inevitably did. You would have to talk to her about that later.

"Lady Y/N, feeling any better?" Thor asked, setting a tray of food down in front of you and sitting himself on the edge of your bed.

You were feeling better in fact, you'd even got dressed and made your bed this morning, so you were lounging on it rather than in it today.

"A bit, thanks Thor. This looks great." you replied, picking up the knife and fork on the tray.

"So, what have I missed this morning? Anything special?"

"No, nothing special. Everyone wishes you would come out of your room though."

"I'm not getting any of you lot ill, we've been over this." you told him sternly; he raised his hands with a smile.

"You are too kind to them."

"Why, have they been talking about me behind my back?" you joked, raising a forkful of food to your mouth. Your smile faltered as Thor hesitated.

"No, not like that... there's just been a slight debate." Thor hurried to reassure you. Suddenly you didn't feel very hungry anymore. You searched Thor's face for answers, but he wasn't giving anything away.

"What's been going on?" you asked, putting your fork down. Thor saw this and sighed, knowing it was your way of telling him that you wouldn't eat until you knew what he was keeping from you.

"Some of them are worried about your magic, and you using it in public when you're still not sure of it. They said that certain people might see it as a weakness, which would affect both the team and your safety, and no one wants that."

"Some of them being Nat. And Steve?" you guessed, apparently correctly judging by the look on Thor's face.

"That's fair, I guess." you muttered, picking up your fork again. Thor had spilt the beans; now you had to do your part. You ate in silence, stewing over what you'd just been told, while Thor seemed to be trying to find the right words. When you were finished, Thor opened his mouth, but you stopped him before he could start talking.

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