26. Falling Into You

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blinding lights - the weeknd

Every time Reid and I were apart it felt like we were in a whirlpool, a tornado, riding the edges until we spiraled down into each other again. On opposite sides, but we both knew we'd meet one another again at the eye of the storm.

Every time I caught his glances I felt a warmth spill over my shoulders and down my back like a waterfall. The slightest touch when passing a case file or a cup of coffee was overstimulating. It was getting ridiculous, as I told myself on a constant basis. But I was getting progressively antsier every day I didn't feel his hands on me.

"The unsub does not live in that area," I repeated to Reid, exasperated.

"It's the geographic profile," Reid insisted. We were in a station in Delaware. It was the third day of the case. Third day since Reid had left my kitchen to run errands.

"He's killing these upper-class women because he resented them. He's not a part of that community," I countered. Reid looked at me like I was stupid. God, I hated it when he did that.

"But he has some interaction with them. He's likely a blue-collar employee who worked for them." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him. In the background, Prentiss and Morgan exchanged looks.

"That doesn't mean he lives in the area. He probably can't afford it. Besides, you're not taking into account his other victims that we haven't identified yet." I leaned back in my chair.


"Oh my god, will you two just hook up already?" Morgan interrupted. Prentiss poorly suppressed laughter.

"Shut up, Morgan," I shot back rather lamely. Reid turned bright red. Little did Morgan know that's exactly what had got us into this. Every time I got with Reid was like releasing a breath I'd been holding for days. And then after I was on edge until the next time.  And today I was taking it out on him.

"Davis is right," Hotch said calmly (Ha!), "He won't live in the same district where the victims were found. But he probably works within the geographic profile that Reid identified. Have Garcia check construction workers, cleaners, and other blue-collar jobs within that radius." Morgan nodded and called Garcia.

I looked at Reid smugly. He ignored me. Ouch.

"Reid and I will check out the latest crime scene, see if we can find anything that builds the profile," Hotch said. He turned to Reid and said "We'll leave in five. I need to talk to the chief."

I managed to catch Reid alone when he went to review the latest case file before taking off with Hotch.

"Hey, sorry about that," I told him, referring to our skirmish. God, it was so pathetic, but I didn't want him to be mad at me. He flipped through the Manila folder and stopped at the police report.

"It's fine," he said, collected. Then he looked up and saw my pleading expression.

"You were right anyway," he added, softening considerably.

"But I was being an ass." He smirked slightly, not about to correct me.

"I'm just frustrated. It's been three days"—I could see gears turning in his brain—"on this case. I'm just ready to go home, you know?" He nodded. I swear I saw his eyes darken as he realized what I was talking about.

"Does the police report say anything?" I asked, trying to break the tension. His eyes didn't move from mine. Gently, he set down the file.

"Not really." He paused.

"I, um. Will you come with me for a second?" he asked. Before I could do more than raise an eyebrow, he pulled me into an empty, dimly lit conference room on the side of the station. Without hesitation, he locked the door behind him and turned the shades so no one could see in. Then he kissed me.

Holy shit, I thought to myself, that escalated quickly. Wordlessly, he lifted me up and sat me on the grey conference table. My hands tugged on his shirt slipped under his slid down to my lower back. I kissed him with urgency until I could barely breathe.

There was a knock at the door. Reid and I both pulled back. Eyes wide, I quickly hopped off the table and opened the door just a foot. A local detective was standing outside with a questioning look on his face.

"Oh, sorry," he said, "I was just looking for Detective Lopez."

"I haven't seen him, sorry," I said with a smile. Please go away, I thought over and over like a prayer. I hoped he couldn't see Reid in the background, tucking in his shirt.

"Well... Thanks," the detective said and walked away. I closed the door and spun around. Reid glanced up and met my eyes. I opened my mouth to say something, but I just started laughing. Reid bit his lip, but within seconds he had a smile on his face. It was just absurd.

"We better get back," I said through giggles. He nodded.

"Wait," I said, "Your hair is a mess."

"It's always a mess." He wasn't wrong, but nonetheless I tried my best to fix it.

"Okay, you're good," I told him. He looked at me with his head tilted to the side and I melted. He was dangerous. Before I could say or do anything stupid, I walked out.

"Are you okay?" I asked Reid on the plane ride home. He was sitting at the table on the jet and looked like he had was discovered his entire life was a lie.

"I never lose," he muttered to himself, not taking his eyes off the deck of cards in front of him. Morgan, who was peering over the seat, provided clarification.

"He just lost to Emily. Big time."


"Yup." I laughed but stopped when I saw Reid's dismayed expression. Morgan patted him firmly on the shoulder over the seat and turned back to whatever he was doing. I sat across from Reid at the table.

"You going to be okay?" I asked, only half-joking.

"Yeah, yeah," he shook his head, "It's just. She pulled three cards to- Without- That's a 97:1 probability."

"Well, you have to get the statistically improbable result every once in a while." He nodded, clearly still deep in thought.

"C'mon," I implored, "Just accept it. You know you're going to drive yourself crazy thinking about it." I leaned forward and took this deck into my hands.

"It's late. Maybe you were distracted." He lifted his head and looked directly into my eyes, then my lips.

"I was." The shadow of a smirk on his face sent shivers down my back.

"How long is it until we land?" he asked. His eyes didn't leave my lips.

"Um, twenty minutes?" Under the table my leg bounced of its own accord, immediately impatient.

"See y'all tomorrow!" I called to the team before leaving for the night. The nights were still weirdly hot for Quantico. I caught sight of Reid, who walked out a few seconds after I did.

"Hey," he said, to which I replied with the same.

"Your place or mine?" Coming from anyone else it would be the cheesiest line but Reid's genuine tone made me smile.


"I'll see you there."

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