23. Hands (smut)

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go to town - doja cat

"No, no, no, no, no," I muttered to myself, sitting in the driver seat of my car. The engine stirred to life and then choked for the third time.

"Cmon!" I implored. My Toyota Camry did not budge.

"Stupid ancient used car."

A tapping on my window startled me. It was Reid. Of course. It was always Reid whenever I got in trouble. He probably thought I was as helpless as an infant. I rolled down the window.

"You okay?" That's all he ever said to me nowadays.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's this piece of crap that's having a hard time. I think the fuel pump is faulty. I meant to have it checked out," I said. Reid nodded, but I suspected he had no idea what I was talking about. Cars weren't really his thing.

"How are you going to get home?" he asked. His go bag was slung over his shoulder and the keys to his car were in the other hand.

"I'll just take a taxi," I said, "I'll send a mechanic over to take a look tomorrow."

"Don't take a taxi. I'll give you a ride."

"Oh, you don't have to do that," I said, the slightest blush coloring my cheeks. It was probably too dark for him to see. At least, that's what I told myself.

He titled his head to the side and considered me. That thoughtful gaze always melted my resolve.

"It's really no problem," he insisted, "Cmon. You can text Hotch so he's not worried when he sees your empty car when he leaves." With that, I caved and grabbed my stuff.

We made small talk on the ride over. About the case. The weather, much warmer in Virginia than Alaska. Then Reid pulled the car smoothly into a parking space in front of my apartment.

"Thanks," I said. I pulled on the car handle and it clicked, but I didn't push the door open. I didn't know I was going to say what I was going to say next until I said it. The smallest amount of adrenaline made my heart beat loudly, so loudly that I almost thought I said what I said just to cover the noise, just so Reid wouldn't hear the sound of my insolent heart thumping at three times it's normal volume.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked.

"It's late. I wouldn't want to bother you."

"It wouldn't," I replied, too quickly.

"Just, um... Only if you want to. You could get your shirt. And I can give you your sweater back, just as soon as I change," I continued. God, it felt like it was a hundred degrees. Maybe all the warm weather recently was just an invention of my imagination caused by spending too much time thinking about Reid.

"Okay," he said simply.

"Okay," I returned. I pushed the passenger side door open, took my bag and made my way up the steps to my apartment. I didn't look back; I knew Reid was only a step behind me.

It took a second for the lights to flicker on, the electrical in my apartment had always been subpar. I set my bag down by the door. Reid has left his stuff in his car.

"So, uh, this is where I live." I felt like a teenager on an awkward date with the hottest guy in school. Reid looked fine. He glanced around my living room appreciatively. Meanwhile, I was panicking. Not full-on panicking. Just a little panicking. The tension was a thick cord at my ankles, threatening to trip me at any moment.

"It's very nice," Reid said.

"Yeah, it's pretty-"

He cut me off with a kiss.

Deep, passionate. Every second of the kiss made me want a minute more. I felt like a drowning man coming up for air. Only I hadn't realized I was drowning until Reid put his lips to mine, filling my lungs air while simultaneously taking my breath away.
This shouldn't be happening, I thought to myself, this is a mistake. But I couldn't pull away.

Not for several minutes, at least. When I did it was only to take his hand and lead him to my bedroom.

With a look and a coy smile, I invited him to sit my bed. It wasn't as nice as Reid's, it wasn't as big, but the sheets were just as white and it was plenty comfortable. From beside him, I grabbed his tie and pulled him into a kiss. His hands gently held my face as I slid my tongue in his mouth and let him do the same. Then one of his hands dropped to find my lower back, to pull me onto his lap, straddling him. My fingers tangled behind his neck.

As he kissed me, I felt the walls of my bedroom, my apartment, the rest of the world, fall away. All I could think about, all I wanted to feel, for that matter, was him.

I returned my attention to his tie, this time with the intent of removing it. He let me but countered by taking off my sweater.
(His sweater, really.) His hands ran over
He kissed my neck, then down my chest and to the spot right about the button of my blue jeans. Then my jeans came off.

My hands on his hands, his hand on my hips.
He kissed a path up the inside of my thigh, sucking lightly at the pulse point there.
His tongue ran over my clit and a moan escaped me. My hands let go of his and I ran my fingers through his hair and held tight.

"Reid, oh my god. Spencer," I spilled, not caring about how much of a mess I sounded. It was my apartment. The walls were thick, and I'd make as much noise as I wanted to.

He pushed two fingers inside of me, pumping them in and out. My blood rushes through my veins, steadily filling a well in the pit of my stomach until it overflowed.

Shuddering and tightening around his fingers,  I clutched the sheets as I came.

He gave me a lofty half-smile as I fought to catch my breath. His lips returned to my neck, sucking on the skin above my collarbone.

"Spencer," I got out between breaths, "Take your pants off."

They were discarded somewhere on the floor, which could've been for all I cared; everything that wasn't the feeling of Reid's skin on mine was eons away and utterly irrelevant.

When Reid pushed into me we both moaned in harmony. My back arched with pleasure as he drew back and thrust into me again. It was bliss.

When I'd finished sorting through paperwork, I'd never imagined that I'd be coming home to two orgasms. But as Reid moved in and out of me, effortlessly hitting the perfect spot deep inside me, I felt the tension in my stomach building again. His movement became less fluid, his hips stuttering. He brushed my over-sensitive clit and I came again, babbling everything from curse words to lamentations to God. I wanted him to be as close to me as physically possible, every inch of his skin on mine. Wherever we touched it was like being apart hurt, and I'd only realized it with the relief of our connection.

"Spencer," I whispered, and felt him come deep inside of me.

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