39. Epilogue (fluff)

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cleopatra - the lumineers

When Maya Davis returned to work, Morgan whooped loudly, his open hands framing his mouth like he was cheering at a football team. Rossi and Prentiss clapped and laughed as she walked toward the group where they were standing in the bullpen.

When Maya Davis returned to work, JJ grinned sweetly. Next to her Hotch, famously incredibly expressive, managed to shift from his trademark stern stare to a softer but still slightly stern stare.

When Maya Davis returned to work, Garcia had gotten a ginormous cake, fit for a wedding, that bore the frosted words "Welcome Home" in curly pink letters. Garcia herself was dressed rather like a cake and had confetti in her hair from the two hours she had spent decorating Maya's desk with streamers and glitter. Maya secretly hated to think how long it would be before her desk was rid of every last piece of sparkling confetti, but she appreciated Garcia's enthusiasm, knowing it was just the way she expressed her warm happiness. Plus, Penelope had saved Maya's life, so Maya would let her do just about anything she wanted.

When Maya Davis returned to work, later than she wanted to and earlier than her doctor would have liked, she did so with Reid's arm wrapped around her waist. Not for support. It was just there. Upon seeing this, Morgan and Prentiss looked knowingly at each other. In Prentiss' eyes was the slightest hint of disappointment; she had just lost a bet with Morgan regarding exactly when Maya and Reid would finally admit they were dating.

They had a bit of a celebration. Everyone had a slice of the ridiculously large cake Garcia had found, even Hotch. It was delicious.

When everyone had put away a decent portion of the cake and taken a turn sharing an amusing anecdote or recalling a shared memory, Maya thanked everyone. Especially Garcia, who was practically vibrating with excitement. What a homecoming. That's what it was, wasn't it? Coming home. Then the group made its way up the steps to the conference room to let JJ present the new case. The show goes on, Maya thought. Life continues. Almost as if nothing had changed since last year. Almost.

Except now, in that conference room, Reid's chair was a little closer to Maya's. Except now Reid let his gaze rest on her without worrying she would catch him looking with that soft look in his eyes. Except now when Maya zoned out during a discussion of the budget or Morgan's picks for who was going to the championships this year, her daydreams about Reid were reality by nightfall.

"I love you," Reid whispered in her ear each morning they woke up together and every night. They knew what it was worth.

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