Ch.27- I do not want to comment

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Your POV

"Y/n Y/mn Y/ln, I'm detective blunt and i'm the lead officer on this case." A detective walked into my questioning room with my file in his hand.

"Damn, my whole government." I chuckled, slouching in my seat.

"I don't think you're exactly in the position to be replying with sarcasm, popstar." He sneered.

"So walk me through exactly what happen- What the hell are you doing ?" I slowly stopped waving at the two-way mirror.

"What ? I'm just waving at the people outside."

"Mrs Y/ln, do you realize you could face actual jail time for this ? Do you realize how serious this is ?" My smile slowly faded as I clenched my jaw.

I leaned over the table and got in his face. "Is this serious enough for you ? I'm very aware I could face time and I won't be saying anything until my lawyer is in this room with both of us."

He nodded, scratching his beard. He looked my up and down one more time before walking out of the room.

I scoffed, if he thought I was gonna spill everything to him without a lawyer then he is very fucking wrong.

Some minutes passed before the door opened again with the detective and Patrick behind him.

"Hey, thanks for being here." He nodded.

"I just want you out of here and safe."

"So run me through exactly what happened." Blunt took his seat across from us with his files and his note pad next to him.

"Um, I noticed Mikey talking to my friend Brian so I walked over to see what was going on. Mikey said some things-"

"Like what ?" He interrupted.

"He called Brian by a racial slur-"

"And what was the slur ?" His blue eyes left his notepad and stared into mine.

"Do I have to say that ?"

"Yes, you do actually it's important that I know-"

"My client does not have to say anything she doesn't need nor want to now if you don't mind, I think we're done here, she's said her statement and she stand by that." Patrick countered.

They practically had a silent stand off, glaring at each other yet the detective finally stood down and unshackled me.

"Thanks." I muttered softly. My wrist finally had circulation going through them, I rubbed at them, not liking the right feeling and indent from the handcuffs.

Patrick was already waiting at the front of the station, reading a letter.

"Hey Patrick-"

"He's...He's taking you to court."

"What-" He handed me the slip as he paced back and forth.

There it was right in front of me in bold letters.


Court Date scheduled for 03/04/20

Court Case: Foster V. Y/LN

My hands were already shaking but I couldn't let Patrick see that.

I cleared my throat, sliding the paper back into the envelope. "Um, let's just go home. I'll drive." I softly smiled at him.

We walked to the car and settled in our seats. Every time I looked over at Patrick I'd see him in the same position, facing out the window and his fingers fidgeting.

The O'Connell family was my second family and Patrick was a father figure for me. I knew he was freaking out inside, thinking about the worst possible things.

"Patrick...everything will be fine."

"Do you really know that ? What if-"

"No, we can't think about that kind of stuff, let's just hope and pray it doesn't come to that." He nodded, turning from me again.

I knew he didn't fully believe what i was saying and neither did I but he can't know that.


Patrick searches his pockets for his keys anxiously before he finally opened the door to his house.

The entire family was sitting on the couch, already staring at the entrance we had come from.

"So..?" Billie was the first to say something.

"He's taking me to court." I looked down at the floor, I really didn't want to look at anyone right now.

A hand came out and softly gripped my shoulder before I was pulled into a hug. Billie's soft vanilla scent invaded my nostrils and all I could do was melt into her scent.

Then someone else joined and another and even more until it was a full group hug.

I heard sniffles from somewhere in the room so I pulled away and scanned the perimeter with my eyes finally landing on Brian still sitting on the couch with his face between his hands.

I steadily walked towards him, sitting down next to him and rubbing his back softly.

"Y/n this...this is all my fault." He sobbed.

"No Brian it's n-"

"YES it is, I should've pulled you more o-or called security or something, I could've prevented this." He stared at me with red, teary eyes.

I didn't even know what to say, I just pulled him into a tight hug. He struggled but soon i felt his arms wrap around my waist.

"It'll be okay, I'll be fine." I whispered to him.

"How do you-"

"Shhh, don't worry about that right now." I rocked us side to side, running my hands through his hair.

By now everyone had left the room and given us our time alone.


I sat in the stools around the island, doing research on my laptop.

He's charging me with simple battery, and there's only three possible penalties I could get: A $2,000 fine, Six month probation or six months in jail.

I have no doubt that I'm going to jail. There's so much evidence on me, so many witnesses.

"Why are you looking at this stuff." I heard Normani's voice from behind me.

I swiveled in my chair to face her. "It's important I do research...I need to know what I'm dealing with."

"Y/n...please just go to bed, it's 12 in the morning."

"Are you...are you mad at me ?" I asked, her opinion was one of the most important ones.

"No...i'm not, but i'm disappointed. You could've walked away, Y/ really could've but I'm proud of you for standing up for Brian...I admire that about you." As she said each word she walked closer and closer until she was right in front of me.

The room filled with silence as we stared at each other. The cool moonlight and the light from my computer clashed together on her face making her even prettier if that was even possible.

I couldn't resist, I pulled her closer by the shirt until her lips were touching mine. They tasted sweet, practically tropical and I couldn't get enough of them.

I was about to pull her even closer until she pulled away slowly.

"Y/n....we can't do this, not like this." Her eyes were still closed as she took a sharp breath.

She slowly opened them again, I could see the sadness looming in her eyes.

She walked out of the room, leaving my in my own silence.

I fucked up, I can tell she's still hurt by what I did but i'm gonna do whatever it takes to gain her trust again.


Y'all might be mad at the way I continue this story in the next 3-6 chapters 😗🌚

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