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Itachi was out of breath

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Itachi was out of breath.

To him, she was an Angel in the midst of a blooming flower. She made him feel things he had never felt before, and it made him do things he could have never imagined himself doing. Like how her smiles could make his knees go weak, or how her soft chuckles were enough for his heart to claw out from his chest.

There was a spark, something there, he just wasn't sure what it was. But something felt so incredibly translucent, like a burning tingle flaming within their souls until everything was hot to the touch. It was strange, an out of body experience, yet Itachi was craving this strange feeling. Something about it was stuck to him, and he needed it, he needed her.

"Done!", she exclaimed with a toothy grin.

Her fingers entwined the flower crown and rested it on his head. Itachi gazed at her amusingly as he lets out a dainty smile across his face. His fingers brushed against the petals of the daisies, the petals kissing his skin like butterflies fluttering. Itachi's smile grew a little brighter than usual and for a moment, the girl swore it was brighter than the sun's golden dew. She leans her forehead against his.

"You should smile more."

He perks his brows up, "Why?"

"Because you look even more of an Angel."

Him, Uchiha Itachi, an Angel? No, not at all, to him he was far from it. He was disgusted, and at times had an itching thirst to scar his eyes until he could no longer see the sinful man in the mirror. He hated it, he hated himself, he hated his reflection for haunting his mind into a corner. But when she said it like that so easily, so sweetly with those sugar lips of hers, Itachi felt so god damn weak.

It was as though the Archangels from the heavens had sewn his wings onto his back and crowned him a golden halo. It felt like heaven, even if it was just a second. Itachi could hear the drumming of his heart beating in his ears, thumping so loudly, he was hoping that she couldn't hear it. She left him floating on cloud nine, and before he knew it, a smile was painted onto his face.

"You're the Angel, not me."

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