Chapter 4. || Hell And Heavens||

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"Huh?" Was all I could say at first. I stared at his callous, unfriendly eyes and tried to discern if they were currently being truthful, staring at those things just gave me cold chills instead.

"You heard me, kid." He ran a hand through the tangled dreadlocks and sighed, almost wearily, like he was tired and exasperated all at the same time. With the cigarette stick still dangling between his black lips, he spoke. "Do me this favor and I'll free you, terminate our contract and give you your soul back."

He blew out the cigarette smoke right at my face and I coughed, inhaling the choking smell. I surveyed him through narrowed eyes, not trusting him one bit. After all, they always said, once bitten, twice shy and I didn't want to get my hopes up for nothing.

"Release my feet first," I told him, pointing down at my black boots which he had enchanted to the pavement, causing my inability to move. He rolled his eyes, like he was shocked about the fact that I wasn't excited at the prospect of getting my soul back. With a snap of his long, bony fingers, my feet became lighter and I could move once again.

I sighed heavily, releasing my short hair from it's tight ponytail and sunk to the floor to take a seat. I felt more than heard him sit next to me and involuntarily moved to create some space between us. Being with him gave me the chills, the sudden and urgent urge to retch out my tuna sandwich lunch.

"So, what do you say, kid? Deal or no deal?" He asked, staring off into the dark street and bringing out clouds of smoke through his nostrils.

I needed more time to think this through, knowing this evil man, this was probably a trick and I didn't want to be made a fool of twice.

"Where's everyone?" I wondered aloud, wanting to buy some time to think this through. "My cousin, Frankie, what did you do to him, you didn't hurt him, did you?" Not that I would mind much but explaining to my aunt, Jackie later that the devil hurt her son wasn't something I wanted to end the night with.

"They're fine, just in limbo," he replied, dryly, like that explained the whole situation and I was expected to understand him.

"So, what'd you say about the deal?" He reminded me agitatedly, and I got the feeling he needed me, like really bad for whatever dirty work he wanted to carry out. I was suddenly curious as to what he wanted and why I was so useful to him.

"What do you want me to do for you?" I voiced out my curiosity as I wrapped my arms around my legs to keep warm. He sighed, leaning down his head to face the ground and shading my view of his face with the dreadlocks.

"Let me put this as easy for you as possible, kid." He spoke softly, the smoke drifting out steadily and diffusing in a Brownian motion into the dark night's atmosphere. "To release your soul, I need another one in place. Kinda like the a life for another life principle. There has to be a replacement."

"I don't understand." I was honestly puzzled by his words and the fact that I was currently sitting with this evil man here, discussing principles was suddenly funny. I even gave a tiny snort.

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