Chapter 12. || Lunches And Liars||

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Friday, Day 11.

Things were finally looking up.

Our school was no different from those typical ones we read in books; we had the jocks, the cheerleaders, the nerds, the computer geeks and the whole lot. However, the only difference was that we barely related with those that weren't in our cliques, meaning your only friends were those on the same social status as you.

Our seating arrangements during lunch even showed the segregation clearly, the popular kids sat separate from the ones with no social status, it was the rule of the jungle called high school. I usually sat with Molly and the other cheerleaders at our special table outside. It was more of a school patio converted hangout for us. Yeah, the school didn't complain about it, why? Because the boys liked it, the jocks were everything.

This town loved football more than anything, so these boys were hero worshipped.

It was Texas, so we went big or went home.

This particular Friday, we were all picking at our lunches, Amanda didn't support eating anything that wasn't healthy and so we girls almost always ate the same things. I was vaguely listening to the girls chit chat about tomorrow's big game against the neighboring town, that meant work for us tomorrow. I wondered if Blake was going to be at the game, I could not really picture him sitting by the bleachers supporting us though, he mainly hung out with the computer geeks.

I was jogged out of my silent trance by Darren, Amanda's smoking hot boyfriend's voice. He ran his hand through his low cut, soft, black hair as he spoke from across the table.

"Ruby? Are you fine? You've zoned out for minutes now."

He noticed me.

I almost spilled the low fat yoghurt I was holding all over my denim jeans. The utter shock of him calling me by name or noticing me all the way from the end of the long table was enough to induce a heart attack. As if on cue, the whole table ceased all chatter to focus on me, most likely curious as I was about why the captain of the football team was interested in me. I saw Amanda reach for his hand, with a small frown then squeeze his hand.

It was like they were all awaiting my reply and my tongue suddenly felt glued to the roof of my mouth. Why was Darren this hot anyways? His intense eyes always seemed to draw all the girls and then there was the fact that he was so nice, they all were.

Molly kicked me under the table and the pain seemed to reset my brain, just what I needed to reply.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I managed. "Just nervous about the game tomorrow."

The tension at the table eased considerably after I said this, and the guys laughed like my at my words, they were the best in the tristate and they knew it. We didn't need to ever worry about them, they were machines.

Darren laughed lightly, pulling Amanda to his chest and hugging her tightly as he ruffled her perfect, honey blonde hair. He smiled at me. "Don't worry, Chica, our first touchdown will be to you."

Chica. He was one of the few that called me that, and I loved whenever he did. We were childhood friends, basically, most of us were until the big divide of social status in school came. I missed that nickname.

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