Chapter 5

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"Kat! So, you finally came?", Dennis asked when Katherine and her boss arrived at their table.

"So, he's your boss?", Dennis asked again, "pretty cool to be  boss, I'll say".

George smiled while Katherine gritted her teeth. She felt like killing each one of them! George gave a questioning glance to Katherine and then she remembered that her duty hasn't finished yet.

"He's Dennis", she said gesturing at the blond man, "And donot mind him, he's an idiot anyway."

Dennis protested but Katherine continued the introduction, "He's Edward, whom you've already met this morning."

"She's Maria, Ed's girlfriend and the birthday girl", Katherine said gesturing at Maria, who in return grinned.

Hearing this, Dennis choked onto his drink and Julia patted on his back. Katherine sighed and said, "And she's Julia, Dennis's girlfriend."

As George and Katherine took their seats, the blonde secretary continued the introduction, "This crazy girl is Terra and that gorilla is Rick". Terra was laughing like a maniac and Rick was taking huge bites of his granola bar.

"What about me?", Steven asked. 

"Oh yeah, he's Stephen. "

"Steven! My name is Steven,  for God sake!", Steven cried while everyone else laughed.

"Everyone, meet my boss, George Greywood", Katherine introduced the CEO. 

"He's kinda hot! ", exclaimed the pink haired girl, Terra. 

"I agree!", Maria chirped in. 

Katherine then handed Maria the present and her eyes widened in astonishment. 

"What's this for?", she asked with a baffled look. 

"It's your birthday present ,from my boss", she gritted.

"Oh... Oh!", Maria smiled, "Thank you, Mr. George."

"You are most welcome", he replied with his usual smile.

They ordered cake for Maria's fake birthday and some other dishes, along with the cake.

"You're such a kind person Mr. George, Kat told us you're a perv!", Dennis exclaimed chugging down a whole cup of beer. It was obvious that the blond man was drunk and was unintentionally enraging the blonde secretary. 

' You're so gonna be dead, Denny! ', she thought and sent him deadly glares, but he was way too drunk to notice it.

"Is that so?", George smirked, "I think, Ms. Katty likes to joke a lot."

Everyone erupted into the laughter again, meanwhile,  Katherine just kept checking the time. After sometime, she suddenly stood up and everyone abruptly went quiet. 

"Sir, I think we should be leaving", she informed while forcing up a smile, "After all, you have a meeting tomorrow. .."

Everyone shared puzzled glances whereas George stood up.

"My apologies, guess I shall take my leave now",  he said.

"It was nice meeting you, Mr.  George ", everyone said in unison. 

"And thanks for the gift", Maria added. 

"Good bye then", George smiled went away with Katherine. 

As they walked towards the parking lot, George remarked, "Your friends are so honest".

'What's so honest about them?', Katherine wondered as she followed him to the parked car.

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