Chapter 7

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Katherine hurriedly dashed out of her apartment to head for work when she bumped into a big boulder.

"Ouch! ", Katherine cried in pain, "Watch the fuck where you're going!"

"I'm really sorry, miss", the man san said.

Katherine looked up to see Mr. Martin standing. 'Yikes! ', she thought and hoped that the man in front of her, wouldn't remember her.

"Oh!.... Aren't you Ms. Katherine? ", the dark haired man asked. 

Katherine smiled weakly, "Hi".

"Do you live here?", he asked. 

"Um... yes", she replied anxiously, "Is there any problem?" 

"Yes, there's a lot of snatching going on in this district", he informed, "you should also be careful. "

"Okay...", Katherine trailed off, " why are you here, by the way?"

"Oh!.... I think George forgot to mention that I'm a private detective ", he said pulling out a business card from his pocket. 

"Woah! ", Katherine exclaimed then glanced at the time, "oh no! I think I'm gonna be late. Good bye Mr. Martin."

"Have a safe trip, Ms. Katherine ", Martin said as Katherine made a dash towards the bus stop. When she reached the stop, the bus had already been gone by then.

" Oh Shit!.... God damn it! ", she cursed while stomping angrily.

"Ms. Katty, may I ask you why are you late?", George asked once Katherine stepped inside. 

"I missed the bus", she answered stammering. 

" I thought you were punctual ", George teased.

"Shut up! ", she exclaimed and tried to calm down herself, " Everyone can get late."

George smiled slyly, " I think you need to be disciplined."

Katherine scowled and glanced on her tablet, "Hey, have you given a visit to all the departments?"

George's smile dropped, " No..."

Katherine held the door open and said, "Then, what the hell are you waiting for? Go".

George stood up and walked away, glaring the blonde secretary. 

"Today, I feel like having a homemade lunch", George said as he passed through the glass doors along with his secretary. 

"Oh! So you want to eat at your home today?", Katherine asked, pressing the button for the elevator. 

"No, that was not what I meant", he clarified. "How about at your place? " 

Katherine frowned at his idea, but smirked, " Oh? Do you wish to have your lunch at an unhygienic place?"

George smiled as they walked out of the lift, "I believe,  your place will be really clean and hygienic. " 

Katherine scowled and remained quiet. She would have to come up with some other excuse. 

The lunch time came quite quickly. The blonde secretary was having goosebumps as she wasn't able to figure out a way, to keep the brunet away from her territory. 

"Let's go, Katty! ", George grinned as he walked outside of his office. She sighed and followed him. 

' Think Kat, think!  There must be a way ', she told herself. 

When they reached to the George's parked car, Katherine suddenly cried, "Oh no! ... I think I dropped my key somewhere!" 

"What?", George asked in disbelief. 

" I know", Katherine said with a frown then pretended to search her key in her bag. "But it's not here".

George sighed and sat inside his car. Katherine grinned, "Why don't we have lunch outside then? I'll pay!"

"Fine", George said, when Katherine made herself seated. He ignited the engine and drove off.

"Where do you suggest, we should eat?", George askedwhile driving his car.

 "Mounty Bounty! ", the blonde exclaimed. "They have really delicious sandwiches! You also love sandwiches, right?"

"Yeah...", George nodded as they drive to the said place. 

The restaurant was a small hut like place with no proper parking lot. "It's quite small", George commented once they entered inside the small local restaurant. 

"I think, it has a friendly atmosphere ", Katherine remarked as they took a table for two.

George noticed his surrounding, mostly were either the students or the old people. 'I can't believe , she likes these kind of places? ', the brunet wondered. 

After ordering the sandwiches, George took out his phone and began typing something. 

'What is he typing? ', Katherine pondered curiously. 

After a few minutes later, their order came. Katherine gobbled up her sandwiches one by one, while George ate his sandwiches with small bites.

When Katherine was done eating, she asked, "Would you like to eat some ice cream?" 

"No", George replied while eating his sandwich. 

"Alright then, Waiter!", she called, "please bring the bill".

"Wait!", George protested, "I didn't even order any dessert yet".

"But, didn't you say you don't want to have ice cream?", Katherine asked innocently. Soon, the bill came and she paid the bill. By then, George was done with his sandwiches. 

"Their sandwiches weren't delicious at all", George criticised as they sat in the car.

"Huh?... But you looked like you were quite enjoying those sandwiches ", Katherine said in her defense. 

"Hmph!", George pouted angrily as he drove off towards the Greenwood Corp.

After being done with the meeting, everyone started to leave the office building. Katherine and George walked to the parked car.

"Oh yes! Ms. Katty, you wouldn't be able to go home tonight, right?, George asked with a sly smile.

"Why?", Katherine blurted out without much thinking. 

"You lost your key, remember? ", George reminded her of her own scheme. "Why don't you spend a night at my place?"

Katherine cried internally and felt like smashing her head on the wall. She had made a big blunder this time.

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