Chapter 3 - Captured

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Only a couple days have passed since Amara's capture and yet to her, it already felt like an eternity. Her skin was marred with cuts and purple bruises appeared across her body from the constant incisions made on her skin.

Her screams echoed through the boat and shattered glass became a daily thing to clean up. The people aboard the ship turned a deaf ear to her agonising cries and though they felt a little uncomfortable, there was nothing they could do. They would be plain idiots to go against their bosses orders for a woman.

Amara heaved for breath at the bottoms of her tank. In front of her stood a man wearing a white coat, paired with gloves that were stained with her blood. His originally white coat was stained with splatters of her blood. The contrast of the two colours made the red especially pop.

The man watched her as she panted for breath before saying, "I can free you from this hell you know? Make it all stop," he continued "all you have to do is be obedient to me,"

The man in white seemed to be some kind of doctor. He poked and prodded her many times trying to research her anatomy. Since the moment he appeared before her, his eyes always gleamed with curiosity and interest. He looked at her, not as a living being but an object to be explored, taken apart, and put back together.

She couldn't help but think that the man in front of her was like a devil offering a deal for salvation in exchange for her soul. He coated his words in honey making them sound so tempting and innocent. Amara slowly opened her eyes, lifting her head to look at him. She stared in his eyes only to find nothing but twisted darkness.

"Evil," she muttered quietly before closing her eyes. Her body lay weak and unresponsive on the floor. If it weren't for the subtle movement of her chest, one might think that she has already perished.

Seeing as the siren had no intention of accepting his offer, the man's eyes dimmed. He clicked his tongue and left feeling slightly annoyed, it would have seemed that he had not broken her enough. He began walking back to his office and an image of the siren lying weak on the ground flashed through his mind. A feeling of pleasure welled up within him and the feelings of annoyance subsided.



The day eventually turned into night, it was neither quiet nor peaceful. Heavy rain surrounded their boat and gushes of wind rocked them from side to side. A sudden thud jolted Amara awake. The equipment that was placed on the shelves fell to the floor causing the broken glass to be scattered around the ground.

Having been awakened abruptly, Amara was put in a state of alarm. Her enhanced hearing caused her to catch faint sounds of yelling and shouting from above her. She strained her ears listening more closely. She could hear the heavy raindrops that hit the deck as if they were pebbles. It was infused with loud drums of thunder. A storm, she guessed.

Waves of water crashed against the boat making it sway violently. This caused a crater to forcefully launch against the side of the boat creating a big hole. It wasn't long until the water came gushing in, flooding the room she was being held in.

In mere seconds, the water-filled the room enough to reach a person's ankle. Realising that this could be her chance to escape, she wasted no time and flung her body towards the tank hoping that the force would be enough for it to tip and break. Her continuous efforts led to her arm becoming severely bruised but thankfully her efforts were not in vain. The tank eventually fell over breaking the glass prison that encased her.

Unfortunately, her body had landed on top of the shattered glass causing some of it to pierce her skin. But she did not stop as the pain did not even register with her being filled with adrenaline. She dragged herself towards the gushing hole using every bit of strength she had left.

She was so close.

When the water became deep enough that she could swim, she immediately used the last of her strength to swim towards the exit while also fighting against the current. She watched as the boat became engulfed in the waves before sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

She hoped that the man in white and the hunters drowned with it but her hope was instantly crushed when she noticed a small boat sailing away from the ship. She couldn't see the man's face but the white coat he was wearing was enough of an indicator for her to realise that it was the man in white. Her eyes slightly dimmed as she watched him sail away but she knew she was too weak to finish him off herself.

The current was too strong for her wounded and tired body to fight against. Her escape took the last of her strength and she no longer had the energy to continue swimming. Just as she was just about to pass out a wooden platform appeared out of nowhere and crashed into her head rendering her unconscious.



A pair of green eyes fluttered open but quickly closed again due to the blinding light. She felt a strange warmth envelope her skin. It was strange and foreign, something she doesn't often feel. It was kind of like when the sun hit her skin... the sun?

She sprung up, quickly regretting her actions as she felt her whole body ache in protest. Unfortunately, some of her wounds had reopened as she felt the blood stream down her skin. The adrenaline that numbed the pain of her injuries came in full effect.

"Ugh," She groaned.

She looked around her and saw that she was surrounded by sand. She felt the texture on her skin and hair. As she looked around she noticed a man walking closer towards her.

"Are you okay Miss?"

She watched as his eyes slowly travel down her nude body before looking back up at her face. The look in his eyes immediately changed, not putting much effort into hiding his lecherous stare. Although he was a bit taken aback from her appearance he still knew that the woman infant of him was beautiful.

"Come with me and I'll... help you," he said slowly, his voice was slightly hoarse.

Without waiting for her response, he forcefully grabbed her arm and roughly pulled her up. Her body convulsed at the sudden movement hissing in pain. The man ignored her cried and dragged her to what looked like a secluded place.

She knew that if they went any further then she'd be in danger so she pulled her arm out of his grips while looking at him with defiance. He looked at her with impatience and became more forceful. He shed the fake facade and growled, "Come here you little bitch,"

Sensing danger, Amara's nails extended into claws and slashed at his arm. Alarmed he fell backwards landing on his ass. He looked at her dumbfoundedly before looking at her with fear.

"M-monster," he mumbled. He scrambled to his legs and tried to run away but Amara was fast. She grabbed his collar and threw him back with strength impossible for that of humans. Without sparing him a glance, she left the man unconscious of the sand.

She shakily took one step forwards before falling on the ground. She stood up and tried again, two steps later the same thing happened. Her eyebrows scrunched in annoyance. It was only after many trials and error that she was able to walk without falling.

Instead of heading toward the sea, she walked the opposite direction, one leading to the town nearby. If she were to head to the sea then death was the only thing that awaited her. She knew that she wouldn't survive the painful transformation back to her original form so she decided to first recuperate and heal.

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