Chapter 34 - "It's alright, they're weak"

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They could do nothing but watch as the person who they were supposed to protect, fight for them instead. Their mouth hung open in disbelief as their Luna fought and killed men twice her size with ease. It was unbelievable because even they had a little trouble dealing with them, and yet, Amara finished them off effortlessly. They couldn't help but feel proud to see that their Luna was strong and was someone who could fight alongside them.

Marcus blankly stared at Amara before eventually snapping out of his daze. He looked around to see two bodies dead and one lying on the floor writhing in pain. He quickly rushed to her side, taking out a handkerchief from his pocket and politely offering it to her.

"It's for the blood," he said in a tone full of respect.

Amara glanced at his outstretched hand and took the plain grey fabric, but instead of using it for herself, she walked towards Jessie's direction. She gently wiped off the small splatter of blood that stained her cheek while being careful to not soil her with the blood on her hand. Despite being even dirtier than Jessie, she made it her priority to make sure that no filth stained her.

Jessie stiffened at the unexpected action before she felt her cheeks redden. The temperature of the room seemed to rise as the pounding of her chest got louder and louder as if it was right next to her ear. She had the sudden urge to take a step back, feeling as if they were a little bit too close, but Amara made it almost impossible to do so she could do nothing but keep quiet and let her wipe the blood off her face.

Jessie became redder by the second, looking almost comparable to a tomato. From an outside perspective, it would be easy to misunderstand the current situation especially considering the seductive aura that seemed to emanate from Amara.

'I thought I got used to this,' she internally groaned. The situation felt strangely similar to the first time they had met. She would have thought that with the amount of time that they spent together she would have become immune to her beauty but reality would seem to say otherwise.

She gently took a hold of Amara's hand, "That's enough, thank you,"

Amara silently looked at Jessie before nodding. Seeing as her cheek was now clean, she saw no more reason to continue.

After she stopped, Jessie took a small step back to create space between them and fanned her cheeks with her hands to help cool her down. She could slightly feel the sweat under her armpits and hand showing how nervous she was.

"U-um, excuse me," A small voice said.

Amara looked down to find a small head filled with silver hair, the small boy looked at her with eyes that showed a mixture of admiration and fascination.

The small boy took a quickl glance at the dead bodies before asking in a small voice, "C-can we do that as well?"

Lucy visibly flinched, "M-Mikael," she quietly chided; her eyes avoiding Amara's.

"I don't think your mother would like that," Amara says as she stared at Lucy.

"What do you expect? I was raised as a human, the things you do, I-"

"But you're not,"

"I know!" She yelled before taking a shaky breath, "I know..."

The room fell into a contemplative silence, the warriors who were seemingly forgotten on the side were utterly confused by the conversation the two were having.

Suddenly, loud footsteps could be heard coming towards the room. Marcus and the others quickly surrounded them and were ready to attack. The door slammed opened revealing two men with a distressed expression.



They said at the same time, the anxious voices belonged to Austin and Felix who was soaked in blood and dirt.

"Oh my God, Felix! Are you ok?" Jessie ran towards him while carefully stepping over the lifeless bodies that laid on the floor.

Austin and Felix remained at the entrance of the door slowly taking in the state of the room. His once pristine office was splattered with blood; his walls and furniture were broken, and bodies littered on the floor.

When the amount of blood that was shed in this room finally registered in his mind, he quickly rushed towards Amara who was behind Marcus and his warriors. The moment he saw blood on her his heart dropped to his stomach.

"Are you ok?" He worriedly asked. Panic could be seen on his face as he carefully checked on her from top to bottom.

"You were supposed to protect her" he growled as his voice dripped with anger.

"Marcus couldn't help but freeze at the overwhelming pressure, his body slightly began trembling in fear. They immediately knelt to the ground and bowed their head in shame.

Amara placed her hand on his chest. Immediately the anger he was feeling subsided.

"It's alright, they are weak," she said innocently. Marcus and the other couldn't help but feel that their pride was hit.

'We're not weak! You're just so strong that you didn't need us!' They internally cried

"Oh? Weak huh? Maybe I've been going easy on you during training,"

Their eyes widened in horror, 'Easy? Easy my ass! You're the devil incarnate!' Is what they would like to say if they were not so afraid of him picking on them during training.

"Yes, sir!"

After the atmosphere had finally eased a little, Austin brought Amara into a tight embrace. The fear that had been simmering inside of him had finally started to cool down as he took in her scent.


Hello readers, here is another update! For some reason, I don't really like this chapter to much. I feel like it's a little boring :/ My writing is being a bit weird lately lol or is it my brain? I don't know but like... it's been in a bit of slump :(

Anyways, tell me what you think! oh and it's finally school holidays yay! but also getting closer to exams which I have not been studying for lmao, we love procastination xx

ENJOY and don't forget to vote and comment xx

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