Chapter 6 - Help her...

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Austin watched as Amara collapsed in his arms. Panic immediately filled his heart as he saw her blood-covered body. He noticed that her face had become paler and paler as seconds passed by. He felt as if the world was collapsing under him but knowing that he had to remain rational, he took a deep breath; calming his heart.

He knew that he had to get her to a doctor as soon as possible so he lifted her up and quickly made his way back to his pack. He refrained from taking her to the hospital because he had no subordinates stationed there wasn't sure if there was anyone he could trust. The person in his arms was his mate and he didn't want to risk it. Thankfully, his pack was prepared and had pretty good facilities and was confident that their facilities were in no way inferior.

"We need to get back to the pack as soon as possible," he ordered and without turning back, he began making his way home.

The Vermillion pack was somewhat like a small town with a considerable amount of people. It was half the size of the one he was currently at now. The pack was located just next to this one and with their werewolf form, they would get there in fifteen minutes.

As their figures disappeared, the bystanders were left stunned. They didn't think they'd witness something so dramatic. Because Austin's tall build covered Amara's figure, they weren't able to see her covered in blood and merely thought that it was a damsel in distress-like scene usually seen from movies. By afternoon, many people had begun discussing the events that had occurred earlier that day about a handsome man carrying a beautiful woman in his arms.



Austin noticed that the woman in his arms had become paler. His arms and shirt had become stained with blood making him feel uncomfortable. It wasn't that he was afraid of blood, on the contrary, he had been soaked in it countless times due to battles, but this was the first time he's felt so uncomfortable with having blood on him.

His heart was constricted with worry. He gnashed his teeth and ran even faster. His speed was not in the scope of what a normal human could achieve and if someone were to see him now then they'd be positive that they'd probably beaten the world record of the fastest man alive.

After finally having left the town they no longer held back and changed into their wolves. The three wolves varied in colour. Austin's coat was a beautiful dark grey that probably shined under the glow of the moon; Jackson's coat was a golden brown colour similar to the colour of his hair; and lastly, Felix's wolf had a rusty red colour like the setting sun. The wolves were bigger in size than an average wolf and were even more dangerous due to the fact that they possessed awareness.

With them running at full speed, it didn't take them long to arrive back to the pack. After reaching the entrance of the town he swiftly changed back into his human form and completely bare but without paying it any mind he yelled for Lucas, their pack doctor, to come.

"Lucas!" His voice was so loud that Jackson and Felix were worried that the town next to them had heard it.

When the pack members heard their alpha yell so urgently, people began coming to the entrance of the town in hoards - forming a crowd around them, and when they saw him hold a bleeding woman in his arms they were shocked.

In the distance, Lucas tried to push his way through the crowd and get to Austin but there were to many people pushing him back. When Austin noticed that Lucas was being held up his jaw clenched in anger. His mate was dying in his arms and yet these people were the one preventing her from getting treated.

"Move!" He roared at the crowd.

The chatter immediately stopped and the crowd dispersed. None of them wanted to stay a moment longer because they were afraid that they would just anger him more and be in the receiving end of his wrath. But as they left, they couldn't help wonder who their alpha was carrying in such a protective and gentle manner. Could it be...? Has he finally found his mate?

With the crowd finally gone, Lucas was able to quickly get to Austin. He was shocked to see a beautiful woman bleeding in his arms and immediately turned serious.

"What happened?" he questioned as he knelt down beside her. He examined her and saw that she had a very serious cut on her side. He took out a pair of scissors and cut away the fabric around her wound, he then took a sterile cloth and applied pressure on it to stop her bleeding. He maintained that pressure by tightly binding the wound with a thick bandage.

"I don't know," he said lowly "She just... suddenly collapsed in front of me,"

His mood was grim. The thought of losing her so soon had him feeling so much dread. What happened to her? How could she have been in such a horrible state?

He was going to kill them. He was going to hunt down and find whichever bastard did this to her and rip him to shreds. In the meantime, he couldn't lose hope. 'She's going to be alright' he kept repeating these words in his head.

"We need to get her to the clinic. Now." Although Lucas had prevented Amara from bleeding out, he could see that she was becoming paler and her breathing had also become weaker. He knew that if they didn't do anything now then she could die.

He quickly called on to other people to bring a stretcher.

"On the count of three, mover her to the stretcher," he told them.

They nodded.

"Okay. One, Two, Three!" They did exactly as Lucas ordered and placed Amara on the stretcher. Felix and Jackson held each end and hurried towards the clinic while Austin never left her side.

They reached the clinic in only a few minutes. They burst through the door and immediately headed towards the OR. Seeing the gravity of the situation, the nurses quickly prepared for the operation that was about to take place with much familiarity and consistency.

Austin was stopped just outside of the OR as he was told that he was not allowed to enter. It was painstakingly obvious that the three men weren't in good condition; their heads were layered with sweat, and blotches of blood could be seen on their shirts.

The adrenalin Austin felt still hadn't faded making it impossible for him to sit still. He paced back and forth outside of the OR showing the signs of his anxiousness. It wasn't until Felix appeared behind him and assured him that she would be ok and that Lucas will do everything he can to help her.

Austin merely lowered his eyes and clenched his fist.

After restlessly waiting for two hours, the red sign above the room finally turned green indicating that the surgery was over. Lucas who was cladded in scrubs and a face mask walked out a couple of minutes later. He removed his mask and told them, "She's alright. Although she's lost a lot of blood, there aren't any fatal injuries and all of her organs are undamaged,"

After he said this, a conflicted look flashed through his face, debating whether he should go further in detail.

"What is it?" Austin asked, catching his conflicted look.

Lucas sighed, "Although there weren't any fatal injuries, I saw that there were many lacerations made on her body. We also noticed puncture holes on her arms that were due to needles being inserted into her veins," he continued "Considering the state of her injuries I suspect that it's been around two days since they were inflicted, I also suspect that she was washed ashore on the beach meaning that she was on a ship and the ship wasn't docked,"

With every word that came out of Lucas's mouth, Austin face became darker and darker. He was boiling with rage and wanted to kill whoever did this to his mate. Someone tortured her and kept her captive, he wasn't going to stop until he found who was responsible.

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