The Will's

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I know that not all things are actually like in the Harry Potter world but I did tag it as AU

Harry Potter sat shell shocked in the office of the Goblin Lord and didn't know what to say, he simple, plain Harry was the Ruler of all magical Britain. I can't do it I don't have the training for it, but it's my birthright and I'm not stupid I could make this stupid world better with help. He sat there for a few minutes thinking and finally said "I thought it over for a few minutes and it's mine birthright I won't throw it away. I don't want to rule, I don't have the training for it but this world needs changes and I won't do it alone." Ragnarock smile at that, well as well as a goblin could smile "and that's why you will be an excellent King. These that don't want power are the best at wielding it. Here are the three rings" on the desk were three different boxes. The first one was a deep red, opening it there lay a ring red and gold with a huge P in the middle with a motto inside the gold band noble and strong, the second box was black with a ring in the middle that was silver with a Onyx in the middle and a star as well as a motto on the band toujours pure, the last box was pure white and in it the most beautiful ring Harry ever saw. The ring was black with a white tiger in the middle and another motto on the band pure heart, intentions and strong mind. Taking the first one he put it on the left pointing finger and it glowed red-gold adjusting to fit, the Heir ring he put on his left little finger it also glowed black and adjust himself. Now the last and most important ring he put on his right pointing finger it glowed like these before him but the glow was pure white after adjusting itself there was a whisper in Harry's head welcome our blood, we will protect you.
Ragnarock bowed before Harry "my future King we the Goblins are loyal to your family. What would you like to discuss now?" Taking again a few calming breaths "I think we should discuss the Potter accounts and my parents Will and the rest then." Nodding Ragnarock took a sealed parchment and brocke it. Now a male voice could be heard:

I James Charles Potter am sound of mind (shut up Padfoot), body and soul writing this Will.

First the secret keeper of our Fidelius Charm was Peter Petiegrew and the Binder Albus Dumbledore.

If both my wife and me are dead then the custody of our son Harry James Potter is to go to as follow:

1. Sirius Orion Black as sworn godfather
2. Alice Longbottom as godmother
3. Remus Lupin and no, we don't care about his condition
4. Minerva McGonagall as Family friend
Under no circumstances is our son go to my wife's family the Dursley's.

Firstly to Sirius Orion Black you have everything you need but find your courage and propose to Moony. I leave the most important thing to you, my son treat him as your own and teach him everything you know about pranks.
Second to Remus Lupin: 1000 galleons and you can't give them back, help Padfoot with Prongslet.
To Severus Snape: I own you my sincere apology. I was a bully and an arrogant prat, I should never treat you like we did. I know you may not want it but I leave you our shares in the potions shops and magazines.
To Minerva McGonagall: all my transfiguration research
And finally to my only son Harry I leave everything else to you. Be proud of your heritage, but don't go in my footsteps and be arrogant and ignorant. Think for you self. I love you very much and never blame yourself for our deaths, I would do it again, you and your mother are my whole world.

So I say it, so moe it be.
James Charles Potter
Lord of Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter

After hearing his Father our Harry has already misty eyes, Ragnarock took another identical parchment and broke the seal, this time a female voice came out.

I Lily Jasmine Potter neè Evans am sound of body, mind and soul.

If my husband and I are both dead it means we were betrayed. Our secret keeper was Peter Petiegrew and the Binder Albus Dumbledore.

In the case of James dies as well, the custody of our son Harry James Potter is to go as follows:

1. Sirius Orion Black
2. Alice Longbottom
3. Remus Lupin, even with you problem
4. Minerva McGonagall
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is my son go to my sister Petunia Dursley neè Evans.

To Sirius Black: love my son as your own, show him love and care, teach him how to be a lord and maybe relearn it yourself. Propose to Moony and live long.
To Remus Lupin: Help Padfoot and have a leash on him. I leave you all my books and share in Flourish and Blotts.
To Alice Longbottom: all our special plants seed we found in the vault. Tell Neville his godmother loved him as his own.
To Filius Flitwick: all my research of Charms.
To Severus Snape: I apologize to you. I should never be so stubborn and accept your apology then. You always will be the brother of my heart. Please protect my little boy. Continue my research here in potion.
And to my heart, my little boy I leave you everything else your father and I own. Please live a long fulfilling live, always follow you own heart but listen to you mind as well. Nothing is just black&white. Remember we will always love you and be proud of you, no matter your path. 

So I say it, so moe it be.
Lily Jasmine Potter nèe Evans
Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter

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