Chapter Thirty

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"I am sorry." Gaara murmurs as he stands next to me by the table, that is overlooking the whole plan of the war. I look up at him, confused, not knowing what he is talking about. "About Chunin exams, when I tried to kill you..." He whispers and looks away from me. "I realized that I have never apologized for my actions."

I sigh as I follow boys up in the stairs. We stop at the same scene, when a boy is about to hit TenTen in the face. Without knowing what I am doing, I run towards them, holding a guy's hand, before he is able to hit her.

"What are you doing?" I ask in irritated tone. "Shouldn't you be by the gates?" I yawn and dispel the genjutsu, showing others that we are only on the second floor. I turn towards TenTen and offer her the brightest and friendliest smile, I can master. "Hello! My name is Sakura!" I introduce myself and grin at the girl. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, thank you, Sakura-chan." TenTen smiles awkwardly. "I'm TenTen." I smile and nod at her. When suddenly, she is bumped away from me, Lee standing in her place. I take a step back, creeped out from his actions.

"My name is Rock Lee, my youthful blossom!" Lee shouts loudly. "Will you be my girlfriend? And I promise to protect you with everything I have got!" He states loudly and takes a step forward. Fear creeps up on my spine as I jump behind angry Sasuke and Naruto.

"Um, Lee-san..." I start uncomfortably, not wanting to leave boys' protection wall. "I am not seeking a boyfriend, currently." I say with a gulp. "And I am perfectly able to handle myself." I mumble once again.

"See, Bushy-Brows!" Naruto starts in angry voice. I don't think I have seen him like that before. His cheerful demeanor has disappeared somewhere. Even Sasuke looks angry and moodier than normal. "Sakura-chan is not interested in you!" He chuckles and turns around.

"Hn." Sasuke says and grabs my hand, dragging me behind them.

"Wait." This time, it is Neji, who speaks up. All three of us turn towards him. "What's your name?" He asks Sasuke, who smirks. He knows that he is considered one of the best rookies. After all he was in the top of our class in boys, while Ino was from girls. I stayed average. I had other businesses to take care of, rather than trying to arrange flowers for Kunoichi classes. And I did not care about Seduction Class, not even attending it. I know that I will not be needing it, so what was the point?

"You should state your name, before asking other." Sasuke says annoyed, having to say this second time in two days. He starts dragging me once again. And I follow him having no other choice.


We enter the classroom as last ones, because Lee stopped us to fight to Sasuke for my heart, as if I am some kind of trophy. Then Kakashi-sensei talked to us before we went in. Now, whole class is staring at us.

"Forehead!" Ino is one of the first to break the silence as she jumps on me, hugging me tightly. I smile and hug her back, trying to peel her off of me soon, though.

"I can't breathe, Ino-Pig." I mumble and push her gently away. She puffs and turns towards Sasuke, fangirling over him. "Hinata-chan!" I greet shy Hyuga."What's up?" I approach her with small smile.

"N-nothing m-much." She stutters a little, but nothing like what she used to be like. "W-what a-bout y-you, S-sakura-chan?"

Before I am able to answer him, I am interrupted by Kiba's and Naruto's shouting. I roll my eyes as Hinata giggles. I smile as well and approach boys, hitting both of them in the heads.

"It hurts, Sakura." Kiba mumbles and looks at me with pouty face. I only smile and take Akamaru from him.

"You can deal with it." I respond with a shrug and start playing with the cute, white puppy. I know what this dog is capable of doing, yet he looks small, defenseless and it saved my life.

I see Kabuto approaching our group with uneasy smile plastered on his face, but before he is able to say anything, the door slams open, startling all of us. I, Naruto and Sasuke grin as Ibiki steps in, huge scowl on his face.

"Get on your seats, brats!" He shouts loudly and we all find our places hurriedly. He looks over the three of us and rolls his eyes at our smiles. All the other rookies are familiar with him, yet they always questioned how we, neither of us were scared of him. While Sasuke is used to Ibiki, as much as I and Naruto are. Our home is the only place, where he is allowed to sleepover and vice verse.

Ibiki explains the exam as someone gives us the papers. I smile at the questions lined up in front of me and I answer them easily. When the time for final question comes, I smirk.

"If nay of you answer it incorrectly you will never be able to pass the exam again." He states firmly. Some of the genins raise up their hands. leaving the room, before Naruto slams the table.

"I am never gonna give up, old man!" He shouts loudly, inspiring others in the process. I smile at him and his antics. I have long ago realized why he would be a perfect Hokage. I realized why he would be perfect for his job. He inspires people to go forward, to rush towards their goals.

"Hn." Ibiki chuckles at Naruto's behavior and looks at others. "If none of you leave then... You all pass!" He declares happily. Large smile appears on my face as I look at him. I knew it was going to happen, but it still makes me feel happy, knowing that we all passed the first stage. Suddenly, the window is burst into small pieces as Anko jumps in. "Anko, you are early. Again." Ibiki sighs.

"That many are left?" Anko looks over us, surprised."Have you gone soft, Ibiki?" She chuckles and grins maniacally at us. "It's okay, only half of you will be left by the end of second stage." She declares loudly. "Meet me in the Forest Death."

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