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Days later Aries grumbled as he sat on his throne listening to his servant give a report of the happenings around his realm. Once again there was a skirmish between two neighbor towns.

It was the third time he'd had to interfere and he was growing increasingly tired of their petty feuds. Normally wen his people fought it didn't bother him.  it was almost expected. This was the realm of war.

However the issue was these two particular towns handled all the food, mining and forges in the entire kingdom. Whenever they fought there would be a scarcity of those three crucial things. Being that his realm supplied all the realms with weaponry. It was inconvenient and problematic whenever they quarreled

Klavuis his personal servant placed a tray of drink and fruits beside Aries as he pretended to listen to  the man speaking. Aries mind became occupied as she appeared. He subtly watched the dark sinned servant girl walking back and forth carrying trays for his subjects

He made a note to have her placed as his personal servant so she would be closer to him. His desire to know her was growing each day making him anxious and irritable whenever she wasn't around. He wanted to know her name, her likes and dislikes, What her mortal life was like, how her sweet face looked when she was angry, the sound of her voice in the throes of pleasure.


He had fought it for a few days but decided he no longer cared that she was a mortal something about her intrigued and excited him greatly 

It had been a very long time since anything excited him this much

Aries wanted her near so he could understand why she intrigued him so

She had become a welcome distraction from his issues with Aphrodite too. He noticed he did not think of her as much and she even summoned him just the night before and he was able to ignore it for the first time since he fell for her

Unfortunately Aries knew it was only a matter of time before she would come to him instead with fury in her eyes, but for the first time he didn't care. He drank deeply from his cup and watched her openly. The sway of her hips and richness of her skin bewitched him like no other. He thought Aphrodite was glorious to behold but this woman. She was....


 "Yes my lord" 

"Who is this new servant"

Klavius followed his fixed gaze,his face morphing to a knowing smirk

"That is Yanni. she was the transfer sent from your fathers kingdom"

Ahhh. that intrigued him even further. he wondered why she was sent to him? Was she disobedient? Lazy? she seemed like a hard working servant. Quiet and compliant. Looking at her amazing beauty he surmised it likely had to be his mothers doing. Did his father pursue her? He wondered

"Make her my new personal servant immediately"

His face gaped in surprise but he quickly nodded

"Right away my lord"

Aries  smiled into his drink with a satisfied smile. I will have you mortal whether you wish it or not


That evening as he sat among his subjects in his grand dining chamber eating heartily; he found it difficult to keep his yes off the dark skinned beauty. Yanni moved around serving and once Klavius informed him that she assisted with the cooking it tasted even more delightful in his mouth

He noticed her nervous glances whenever he asked her to fill his cup. He never drank this much but couldn't resist the urge to have her near him, serving him. She smelled heavenly and he itched to touch her. To know if her skin was as smooth as it looked glowing under the lights flickered around the dining chamber

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