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Ares stared at the face of Aphrodite standing in his room mere feet away from Yanni who still sat on his bed. Her face still looking flushed and her lips still freshly kissed. He felt himself grow in excitement.

Aphrodite needed to go. Now

He scowled at her his ire returning tenfold

"What the hell are you doing here Aphrodite! Was i not clear the other night when i expressed that our affair was at an end!"

She cackled leveling a glare at Yanni 

"For a mortal servant Ares? Be serious. You don't even like mortals."  She stated sauntering closer, placing her hand on his bare chest absentmindedly rubbing circles.

It was one of her tactics to allure. Ares knew it well and it had once worked, just as all her other methods of seduction and control

But he was no longer felt the pull of her sensual allure

He flung her hand away irritably

Her mouth gaped open in shock with quickly turned to annoyance

"I do not care what you think or have to say. Your thoughts are as irrelevant as you now are. Leave!"

Ares moved over to Yanni who looked uncomfortable and slightly miffed

Ares worried Aphrodite had said  things to dispel her from accepting him. He needed to get rid of her so he could reassure Yanni where his affections and desires now were

"Ares we have been together a long time do you really wish to throw it all away for a....... mortal woman. You can have her, i do not mind just as long as when i need you y-"

"ENOUGH! Aphrodite! It is over between us. And if you do not leave immediately  and cease theses pathetic games. I will go to your husband  and inform him of all your indiscretions" 

She gasped wide eyed at him searching his hardened gaze for the truth of his threat. When she got it she sneered in Yanni's direction before she finally disappeared

A heavy weight lifting from Ares as she left. He have never truly  noticed how intense her presence was before. Her sexual energy sucked life and rationality from a male. It was like being in a constant arousing trance. One filled with lust and carnal thoughts.

Ares turned to face Yanni who stood frozen staring at where Aphrodite had just disappeared

"Yanni" he whispered softly, reaching to stroke her face

She batted his hand away and rose from the bed angrily

"Yanni whatever she told you i can assure you it was a lie"  Ares said pleadingly

"She told me nothing Ares. It is not her i am upset with it is  you"

"Me? What have i done to upset you?" He asked curiously

 "I am not a toy for you gods. Mortal servant or not. I demand respect. If you wish to have me so badly them prove it"  she spat before slamming his  door shut as she left

Ares' chest ached with unfulfilled hunger for her, but his heart soared at the fire in her that he adored so much. He would work hard to earn her respect, then her heart. Yanni would be his, Ares vowed

He had never lost a battle before and he didn't intend to now. Except this one would be the greatest battle he has every fought, because the victor would be granted the gift of Yanni's beautiful heart


Ever since Yanni told Ares off, he had been extra attentive. She still served him but he was far gentler in his words and action, or as gentle as a man bred for battle could be. He never attempted to be intimate with her again. Yanni wouldn't admit that it disappointed her just a bit, but she knew he still desired her because of the small touches he gave her whenever she was in his vicinity. 

He would kiss her hand, sometimes his lips lingering for long moments or stroke her cheek with tenderness. there was something incredibly arousing about a hard male who attempted to be soft just to please you, Yanni ruminated

Each subtle touch warmed her heart and made her flush with desire. She knew he was waiting for her to make the first move sexually,but Yanni wasn't sure about it. He had centuries with women. Yanni had exactly two lovers before she died and ascended. Neither experiences where informative, instructional or exciting in the least. She was practically a virgin for her lack of skill and knowledge. Would he be disappointed, annoyed

"YANNI!" Ares' voice called as she entered the dining hall carrying a trencher full  of hot food

"COME!"  his voice boomed across the hall. 

Numerous eyes fell on her as she approached him. As soon as she was close enough he snagged her around the waist and deposited her on his lap, aggressively 

Yanni gasped but didn't object, She was growing used to Ares' aggressive dominating demeanor. Still she felt uncomfortable  as all his subject gawked and whispered

Yet Ares ignored them as he picked up his food and began leisurely feeding her. He watched her lips as she licked fruit juices and sauces off them with every bite. Yanni  felt his lusty thoughts poking at her from beneath her ass

She bit back a smile while he held a drink to her lips next. Yanni sipped heavily of his wine, her eyes fixed on his. She knew what he was doing. Ares was laying claim to her in front of all his subjects. With his actions everyone would know she was more to him that a simple servant

Without sex in the equation. He was proving to her that he truly desired more than that from her

A swarm of flutter s erupted in her stomach at the gesture. Yanni gave him a small smile as he watched her every movement like a predator stalking his prey. O Yanni knew she was his prey, had been since she first set eyes on his thick, luscious, masculine form but now she felt herself becoming thoroughly ensnared

Ensnared in his gaze, his touch, his eyes. 

In Him.

In  Everything he is, And In Everything she never thought she would ever find desirable in a male

"I must leave soon to handle the feuding occurring in my kingdom". He informed her

Yanni nodded

"H...How long will you be gone?" she didn't want to sound clingy but she would miss him

"A day, perhaps two at the very most"


"But"  he said tilting her head up to meet his eyes "There is a gathering of the gods when I return. I would be honored if you accompanied me"

Yanni blushed at the look on his face. His hand held her firm across the waist and the heat from his hand was causing an ache to form in her core, his dark gaze slid over her body equally heating her entire body

"I would be happy to" Yanni said her voice breathless


Ares smirked at her flustered look. He knew she was aroused and wanted him as badly as he did her. But he refused to initiate anything between them. She wanted his respect and now she had it. If she wanted him she would have to willingly come to him

They ate and enjoyed one another for the next several hours and Yanni realized she had never smiled so much since her ascension nor could she remember  ever feeling so happy, so alive

It was an amazing feeling that Yanni decided she wanted to keep ................

Shit is about to get crazy from here on out. Are ya'll Ready!

Do you think Aphrodite will take the hint?

Do you think Ares attention for Yanni will last?




Thanks For Reading!!!

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