Chapter One

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Chapter One | Love that is painful

"Aliya, Please don't do this. I love you. Don't leave me. Please!"

Standing at the side of the almost empty road, Manik held the hands of the woman standing infront of him as he begged her to stay. All shame and respect left behind for he was desperate for the love he had never felt all his life before.

She was all he had after his mother and he couldn't afford to lose her. He didn't care how much of a beggar like he sounded, for nothing mattered more than her.

"Manik, Please don't make it difficult for me. You know I can't stay! I can't go against dad. I can't." Aliya could hardly control her own tears that pooled in her eyes and fell freely through her cheeks. It broke her heart too, if not more than him to do this, to give up on a three years of long relationsh
ip in a snap this way.

She tried to pull away her hands from his hold but he held tighter,"I-I will talk to him, Aliya. I will make him understand. Please, Don't you love me, Aliya?"

Her hand was slipping from his hold, Manik tightened his grip more.

"I do, Manik. I love you too. But I love my dad too and he is never going to accept you. Please let me go!" It hurt Aliya too, for she hadn't thought there would be a day they will be here, like this - all broken. She loved him, she did but she loved her father more. She couldn't choose him against her father. She just couldn't.

The sky roared from above, and just like that, her hand slipped away from his, like sand does from one's hand. Aliya was walking away and all he could do was watch her fade and cry on his fate.

"No! Don't leave me, Aliya!"

Manik woke up with a jolt, his eyes blown wide and mouth wide open and dry. Tears streamed down his face and sweat drenched his face and neck.

Again. One more night. The same dream. Time passed at its own pace. Two years weren't enough to forget Aliya or those dreadful moments of his life. Manik still had that day re-happening in his head at nights, again and again.

Wiping his tears away with his hand, he looked around in panic. His heart pounded loud in his chest, he could hear it out loud until his eyes fell on his phone kept on the side table.

He grabbed it and punched in a number he had memorized on the tip of his tongue.

"Pick it up, damit! Pick- Nandini! Where the fuck were you?" He shouted, and he was sure he would have woken up the whole mansion if there was actually anyone living with him.

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