Arc 2.12 - Grayson Hale

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Super sorry for the legit one month hiatus. I actually lost all and every single hint of motivation that existed in me the day before because of being in the solitude of my house for so long and the huge amounts of homework that really begun piling up with deadline being just around the corner. Lot of stress :(
I ended up being an even worse of a couch potato than I already was. I drowned myself in reading hartwin (kingsman) fan fiction as well as several other non-productive things.

Well, I decided to pump out this chapter because it was my birthday yesterday~ 🎉
So that's good.

And I'll try to get some motivation and actually manage to write out all the ideas swarming around my mind that I intended on putting into this arc.

for there are some scandalous things~
Down below 😘




"Come in."

The door slowly opened and a girl hesitantly came in with body language clearly indicating that she was nervous.

"What can I do for you?"

The girl lifted her head towards the man sitting at the desk. Bright big amber eyes, button nose, full and luscious lips, long and silky black hair complimenting her body structure, and baby smooth skin. When the man looked up his breath was taken away by her innocent beauty but he composed himself and schooled his expression into his usual calm and collected cold exterior.

"U-hm I- My name is Jacqueline Lunn," she quickly walked in and searched for something in her backpack. She took out a piece of crumpled paper and nervously tried to straighten it out with her hands before holding it up for the man to see, trying not to stare at the man's handsome features, "This- I was told to come here by the office. This is my schedule, you're my English teacher for this semester and my first class after lunch is with you. The office said that since I was the only one grade 12 new student that I would have my first day to just get used to things and find my classes and locker, get familiar... no need to really attend the classes. They said that it was normal... the other new graders are also doing the same..."

"Ah, yes that's right. I'm Mr. Sharz," he stood up from his desk and walked around it to approach Jacqueline, holding out his hand for her to shake, which she did immediately after clumsily dropping the backpack in her hands. "I hope it wasn't too difficult to find my class?"

"No not at all, it's just down the hall from my locker..."

"You're lucky you had caught me at this hour. It's the only free period I have this entire semester. I look forward to teaching you English Language Arts."

" too." she chuckled softly and smiled at the thought of her future classes with this very nice and handsome teacher.

"Well," he glanced at his wrist watch, "seeing as it's only 10 minutes before lunch begins, would you like me to walk you over to the cafeteria? Get more familiar with the hallways more instead of that map as well as an early lunch and all."

"Yeah, okay. I have no problem with that..."

"Great. Let me just wrap this up," he gestured towards his desk.

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