Ch:5 The short end of the prank war

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(Lea's P.O.V)

Look I'll be straightforward, the past few days had been real hectic. Sam getting revenge, then me, him, me, him, me......and so on.
Let me tell you how some of that went.

Day 1:
I received a gift box from Hillary, she's a really nice girl and a Sophomore. She gave it to me saying she didn't know when my birthday was last year and this was her gift to me. It was strange and looking back, I should've picked up what was happening but, oh well.

I thought it was really sweet and accepted it. I clutched my box the size of my palm and Demi rose a brow. I shrugged and decided to see it right now itself.

But when I opened it......
Smoke came out? No, it was chili powder?!!!

I started coughing non-stop and basically couldn't breathe for some time. That asshole! 

I looked around through the lobby to lock eyes with HIM. My eyes and throat were burning and it was bad.

An overwhelming feeling of hate washed over me and I glared at him even in that condition. I knew Sam had to be the culprit. It would be so easy for him to work his charms on the sweet girl she probably didn't even know she was starting a war which would end with my mortal enemy dying at my hands.

Now revenge had to be achieved. I wasn't an angel after all, you know?


Day 2:

(Sam's P.O.V)

I entered the cafeteria and headed straight towards my table.

Going in, I saw that there were chocolates on our table.

Well, that was new.

Something good to lift my spirits even higher.

I guess the euphoria was to blame for my lack of vigilance. I should've noticed that no one else had eaten them. I so should've. 

The rest of my friends were talking already and I sat at my usual seat too. I picked one chocolate up and popped it in my mouth.

It tasted a bit......funny?

I ignored it and munched on trying to focus on their conversations and then suddenly it was as if I had eaten a lava rock dipped in double layer of hot chili sauce!!!

The filling of the chocolate was nothing one would ever expect like maybe a sweet white chocolate filling or nuts or things like that but this?

I quickly panicked with the hotness of the chocolate. 

Stupid but true.

Looking around for some water I glanced at Dave, Gary and Holland who held confused and concerned looks (and they were trying not to laugh, I'm telling you they enjoy my suffering) but that wasn't what I needed.

Then a water bottle was in front of my face and I immediately took it.
Opening the lid as soon as I possibly could, I gulped down the water.

Obviously presuming it would help but it added to the burn more since the water was warm and salty. YES, Warm and salty!

I quickly snapped my head to look at the person who had handed me the bottle of thankfulness at first look and hate, the second you drink it, to come face to face with Lea who was giving me an extremely sugary sarcastic smile that reminded me of the happenings of the previous week.

I remembered the way she had smiled genuinely at Tyson.

I wondered if she would ever smile like that for me again.

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