Ch:6 Running

412 82 72

(Sam's P.O.V)

I was sitting and staring at Lea who was just sulking and glaring at practically nothing while tapping her fingers on the table in boredom.

'She must be imagining you. And your murder.' Brain chuckled.
I gave him a dumb look in my head and he just flipped me off.

'There's no doubt about it.' He started, 'You know if she had laser eyes and was glaring at you in reality...?' He grinned evilly, 'I'd have gotten rid of you a decade ago.'

That made me sweat drop. Well, that meant half of my brain wanted me dead. Great accomplishment! (Note the sarcasm please.)

I was sitting in the row parallel to hers and a seat behind. I was leaning back in my seat and having fun looking at the disturbed girl; waiting for the moment that she'd snap after feeling my eyes on her.

It'd already been 20 minutes. It'd get really entertaining from there. And that wouldn't be long.

A few more minutes passed during which she glanced at me from the corner of her eyes twice and I gave her smirks which ticked her off even more.

"Alright dumb ass. THAT.IS.ENOUGH!!" She stood up from her seat, totally annoyed. Not caring about her surroundings, which included the teacher as well who was giving her a disapproving look. Bad for her GPA and report card.

I couldn't help but grin a bit at my accomplishment.

The teacher looked at us. Well, technically Lea who had a sudden outburst and she instantly calmed down and sat back.


She sat right next to my seat in her own row. Weird. Yet exciting.

The moment the teacher looked away and at her book, she turned to glare at me.

I just looked at her innocently. "What?"

Then suddenly the teacher stood up and started heading towards the door, "I don't want to hear a sound from this room, I will be back in 20 minutes." She said sternly and then we heard her lock the door.

Probably the result of her caffeine intake all this time or she really did have some work to do. Well, I didn't care either way so....
The other four or five kids in there started messing around and I prepared myself for Lea's speech that was coming.

"Oh, no, no, NO!" she spoke sharply, "Don't start with the innocent look, you jerk. Why the hell were you staring at me so intently? Huh? What was So interesting!? And you know what? ALL of this is YOUR fault!!" Lea said it all in one breath but then stopped to take a breath. I looked her straight in the eyes with my eyebrows raised.

This was amusing. Guess my 3 year hard work is starting to pay off. She had mastered remaining calm but it seems her limits were being crossed and now she was finally letting the anger take control.

"In the art room and here!" She added at last.

She gave me look that said 'give me a damn answer' so I decided that I should.

I turned to face her completely and she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Look, babe," I started, "You have to understand." I gave her a mature look. "It was both of us. And anyways, it was you who started the problem." I ended in a matter of fact-ly way.

She cocked a brow at me as her mouth twitched in irritation. You could almost see the dark aura radiating off of her the way it happened in melodramas and anime. I tilted my head to the side.

Never did I break eye contact with her. She had chocolate brown eyes and they were so simple yet sophisticated.
Lea brought me back to my senses by accusing me, "It was you!! Don't put the blame for everything on me!"

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